Cold Weather Payment: How to check if you are due up to £75 in payments | Personal Finance | Finance

old Weather Payments of £25 are sent out to eligible people when temperatures are, or are forecast to be, below zero for seven consecutive days. People on certain benefits, including Pension Credit and Universal Credit, may get the payments if they are triggered in their area.
How a person can check if they are due a payment depends on where they live within the UK.
People who live in England and Wales can find out by using a checker tool on the website.
Residents of Northern Ireland can also check online using a tool on the NI direct Government website.
Both of the tools work by a person inputting the first part of their postcode e.g. LE1. The tool will then tell the person if they are due a payment and for what period.
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The results will also detail information about their local weather station whose data is used to work out if a payment is due.
Eligible people in Scotland do not need to check at all, as the Cold Weather Payment has been replaced by the Winter Heating Payment.
This is a £50 one-off payment that goes out to eligible people regardless of the weather conditions.
Payment for this benefit are due to be paid in February 2023, with payments to include the reference code ‘WHP’.
The payments should go out automatically, but if a person believes they are missing a payment or several payments, they can contact the Government for advice.
The department they should contact depends on what benefit makes them eligible for the payments.
Those who are on Pension Credit, which can be claimed by people of state pension age, can contact the Pension Service if they think they are missing payments. The department can be called on 0800 731 0469.
Anyone who is on one of the other benefits who believes they are missing a Cold Weather Payment, can contact their local Jobcentre Plus.