
Yousaf says business growth ‘central to vision for wellbeing economy’

The First Minister has said that business prosperity is “central” to achieving his government’s defining missions.

Humza Yousaf said he wants the country’s businesses to thrive and for their success to benefit all of society, stating he will do all he can to support that prosperity.

He was speaking ahead of a week when he will meet representatives from sectors as diverse as investment, gaming and food production.

The visits are part of moves to deepen and strengthen links between the Scottish Government and businesses.

Yousaf said: “We want our businesses to thrive and for their success to benefit all of society. It’s central to my government’s vision for a wellbeing economy, which meets the needs and aspirations of our people and provides opportunities for all.

“Business prosperity is central to achieving success in my Government’s defining missions: equality – tackling poverty and protecting people from harm; opportunity – building a fair, green and growing economy; and community – delivering efficient and effective public services – and I am determined to do all I can to support and promote that prosperity.

“There’s no doubt our economy is going through turbulent times – inflation, rising interest rates, and the ongoing effects of Brexit are putting businesses under huge pressure.

“The Scottish Government is doing what we can to try to mitigate these impacts – for instance, through our non-domestic rates policy, the UK’s most generous relief scheme for small businesses which is estimated to take over 100,000 properties out of rates altogether.

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