
Wine And Spirits Industry Provides ‘Major Boost’ To UK Economy

The wine and spirits industry contributed more than £76 billion (€89.2 billion) in economic activity to the UK economy in 2022, up from £49 billion (€57.5 billion) five years previously, a new report by the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) has found.

The Economic Analysis Study, which was produced by consultancy firm Cebr for the WSTA, found that the UK’s wine and spirit industry supported some 413,000 jobs in 2022 (including 219,000 in spirits and 193,000 in wine), while the industry generated more than £22 billion (€25.8 billion) Gross Value Added (GVA) to the UK economy.

In addition, the UK is the largest exporter of spirits globally, exporting some 1.8 billion bottles in 2022, as well as the second largest importer of wines, bringing in the equivalent of 1.7 billion bottles in 2022.

‘Timely Reminder’

“This report comes as a timely reminder of the importance of the wine and spirit industry to the UK economy,” commented Miles Beale, chief executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association.

Ahead of the UK general election on 4 July, the WSTA has set out ’10 key asks’ of the next government, with which it hopes to ensure an economically sustainable, environmentally sustainable and socially sustainable industry.

This includes making efforts to ensure that any post-Brexit regulatory divergence does not adversely affect international trade and prioritise digitisation of customs procedures wherever possible.

‘The Right Support’

“We look forward to working with the next Government to ensure the right support to encourage more investment, innovation and to generate further growth,” Beale added.

“We hope that MPs, Ministers and officials will all want to work in close partnership with our industry over the lifetime of the next Parliament – recognising the significant value of wines and spirits to national economy, and working together to achieve economic growth, improved environmental outcomes and social responsibility.”

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