
US destroyed Nord Stream pipelines to subjugate the economy of Germany: Analyst

An American political analyst has said that the Europeans have got to wake up to the fact that the United States destroyed Nord Stream pipelines “in order to subjugate the economy of Germany and keep them in line.”

Daniel Patrick Welch made the remarks on Saturday while commenting on anti-war protests in Germany on the sidelines of the annual Munich Security Conference, and a war of words between the US and Russia over the destruction of Nord Stream pipelines in September last year.

The Russian embassy to the United States said on Thursday said the United States should try to prove it was not behind the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines that connected Russia to Western Europe.

The embassy said in a statement Moscow considers the destruction of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines “an act of international terrorism” and will not allow it to be swept under the

Russia is asking the United Nations Security Council to order an independent inquiry into the September attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Russia gave the 15-member council a draft resolution on Friday which would ask UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to establish an international investigation into the “sabotage” and identify who was to blame.

The US and NATO had called the September incident an act of sabotage. Moscow has blamed the West but neither side has provided evidence.

However, American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said last week that US Navy divers had destroyed the pipelines with explosives. He said that President Joe Biden personally issued the orders.

An anti-war demonstration took place in Munich, Germany, on Saturday as the city hosted a Security Conference attended by top diplomats and leaders, including US Vice President Kamala Harris.

The protesters held placards urging negotiations instead of military confrontation and saying, “No to War,” and “Ukraine is armament for Europe.” They urged all the parties involved to end the devastating conflict in Ukraine.

Harris said during a speech at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday that the United States has formally determined that Moscow has committed crimes against humanity and vowed that it will be held accountable for its actions.

Harris said that the world has witnessed Russian forces engaged in “horrendous atrocities and war crimes.”

She accused Russian soldiers of carrying out attacks against Ukrainian civilians.

Press TV asked Welch whether he thinks that as more and more people will take to the streets in Europe, it will put pressure on their governments to do something about the war in Ukraine.

Welch said, “Well I hope that it will. I see the governments as elites being completely distanced from the people and the needs of the people. I mean, as an American it’s a slightly different take: You see Kamala Harris, who was the first mixed-race woman to occupy her office, shilling for Empire in this forum. On the very birthday of Huey Newton, who was the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, speaking out about ‘Wars against humanity,’ and ‘war crimes.’ I mean, it is repulsive.”

He added that “it is over 100 billion dollars that the US has spent on this conflict, and that’s just right now. The conflict started–or military arm of the conflict–started in 2014 with the Maidan Coup that the US was behind. And so the Europeans have got to wake up to the fact that the US destroyed the Nord Stream in order to subjugate the economy of Germany and keep them in line. It’s outrageous. And I’m amazed that it has taken this long for the people to be seen in the streets.”

“Personally, I have to say I’m coming out of a bad stomach flu, which is only relevant because I have to kind of force myself to stop vomiting when I hear the words that come out of the mouth of these sociopaths: Kamala Harris, Milley, Austin, and Blinken.. I mean basically trying to defend one of the greatest incidents of eco-terrorism in human history, and that the Europeans are very loath to talk about it. I can’t really come down on the Europeans because Americans never hear it. We’re one step behind the Europeans. There is no talk about it here because it doesn’t get air. It’s not any louder than the Balloon Shooting Circus. It’s incredible to be here in the Belly of the Beast. Really,” Welch stated.

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