
Tory conference LIVE: Brexiteers hit back at doom-mongers as new figures ‘silence’ critics | Politics | News

Veteran Tory backbencher Michael Fabricant has defended Suella Braverman’s call to limit gay asylum seekers, saying she is not homophobic.

The Litchfield MP and patron of the Conservative LGBT+ group said the Home Secretary has been unfairly attacked as “people love to seize on her”.

Mrs Braverman has faced fierce criticism after she said in a speech in Washington that fearing discrimination for being gay or a woman should not be enough to qualify for refugee protection.

At the party conference’s LGBT+ Conservative stand, Mr Fabricant told the Daily Express: “All she was saying is that if people are using as an excuse, it’s wrong.

Every application has to be looked at on its merits but I certainly don’t think that Suella Braverman is homophobic or was even trying to be.

“But of course, people seize on her that’s what they love to do.”

Around a dozen Tory MPs, including ministers, complained to the Chief Whip Simon Hart following last week’s speech

Mr Fabricant went on to explain how he could not be happier that this year’s Tory conference is in Manchester – which has some of the best LGBT+ nightlife in the world.

Popping by the LGBT+ Conservative stand he whooped as he told us his favourite bar on the famous Canal Street is drag cabaret bar Via Fossa… so you know where to find him later.

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