
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “When democratic changes happen in my country, EU countries will emerge as our primary trade partners”

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya gave speech during the first Belarusian Business Forum in Washington DC:

“Dear organizers and participants of the Belarusian Business Forum in Washington DC, 

Dear Friends!

My congratulations with this historic event, such a large Belarusian business event in the US. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to representatives of the Commercial Law Development Program of the U.S. Department of Commerce for their invaluable assistance in organizing this event, as well as the Association of Belarusian Business Abroad for their dedication in bringing this meeting to fruition. 

Belarus today is becoming more and more economically dependent on Russia. The share of trade between Belarus and Russia has been growing by double digits yearly since 2021. Russian investors and their proxies are now the key investors in the Belarusian economy. Russia has become the only foreign lender for the Belarusian regime. And this is NOT how it should be. This is NOT how we see the future of Belarus. My team and I, along with millions of Belarusians, are determined to change this reality! 

I have a very clear vision that Belarus will always be a part of the global economy, not Russia’s economy. When democratic changes happen in my country, European Union countries will emerge as our primary trade partners. We will actively pursue free-trade agreements with both the EU and the USA, creating one of the most attractive business climates globally. 

The Belarusian economy will thrive on the foundation of a robust and innovative private sector, contributing to the establishment of a strong middle class. Many talented Belarusians will return home as business managers, private investors, and entrepreneurs. In the new Belarus, every businessperson will be valued and respected, not only for their contributions to prosperity but also for safeguarding us against dictatorship.

Since August 2020, over three hundred thousand Belarusians have been compelled to leave the country, with many forced to relocate their businesses or start anew from scratch. For most, leaving was not a choice but a necessity to avoid imprisonment. These individuals demonstrated remarkable courage by participating in the protests in Belarus in 2020, and they continue to exhibit bravery in exile as they strive to sustain their businesses. 

Belarusian business outside the country has already happened as an institution. We have many thousands of registered businesses with Belarusian shareholders around the world, including the USA. We have well known big IT companies of Belarusian origin, they are present at the world leading stock exchanges. We have many small and micro companies that daily run their business, pay taxes, and create jobs. We have numerous start-ups of talented future Belarusian businessmen and businesswomen. We have ABBA that unites over 100 reputable businesses from 10 countries, fostering collaboration and growth. 

We need to stay united. Your voice – the voice of the Belarusian businesspeople – is much stronger if you keep together. Today you will help each other in solving current business problems, advocate your needs and protect your rights; tomorrow you will be a stakeholder of the future political and economic reforms in Belarus. Together we will develop a business repatriation plan to make sure you do not forget your Motherhood and invest in a new free and prosperous Belarus. 

The USA is an important destination country for our business for both investment and trade. Here today you’ll have a chance to meet, discuss your problems, and exchange your visions. I call for the US authorities to continue hosting Belarusian businessmen and businesswomen, and they are not only job-takers, but also job-creators. I am happy there is an Assistance Roadmap between the Commercial Law Development Program of the Department of Commerce and the Association of Belarusian Business Abroad. Together with the US Strategic Dialogue with democratic Belarus this should become a solid foundation for close cooperation between democratic Belarus and the USA.

I wish this forum to bring tangible results both for our business community abroad and the wider diaspora. I am very glad that the partners of the forum are well known Belarusian diaspora organizations: Association of Belarusians in America and Belarusian-American Association.

I am proud of Belarusian business. And I will do my best to make them feel proud to be Belarusian business all around the world. 

Good luck to you. Let’s build a new Belarus together.”

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