
Public appointment competition to appoint three new members to the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College

The Department for the Economy (DfE) has launched a public appointment competition to recruit three new members to the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College.

SERC Governing Body members

SERC Governing Body members

Northern Ireland’s six further education colleges help people meet their full potential through the provision of a wide range of programmes and courses at all educational levels, and support innovation in the business community. In doing so, they fulfil their dual mandate of social and economic inclusion, helping to support a productive, thriving economy.

Governing Body members play a key role in supporting colleges to meet the requirements of both learners and employers. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the continuing development of a dynamic, vibrant further education sector in Northern Ireland.

The Department is looking for people of varying backgrounds across the community, voluntary, business or public sector, who can bring a wide range of skills and experience to the role. Women, people with a disability, those from minority ethnic groups, young people and people with a community, voluntary or rural background are currently under-represented on the Governing Body and applications from members of those groups would be particularly welcome. We are operating the Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants with a disability.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on 22 February 2024.  

For more information on the positions, including responsibilities and selection criteria, please download or request an application pack from the DfE website

Alternatively, contact DfE Public Appointments Unit by telephone on 028 9052 9461 (Textrelay: 18001 028 9052 9461) or email

Notes to editors: 

1. South Eastern Regional College is one of the six further education colleges in Northern Ireland. Colleges are non-departmental public bodies of the Department for the Economy, which are established under the Further Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1997. The Governing Body (GB) of a further education college is responsible for securing the efficient and effective management of the college, the provision of suitable further education to its students and determining the college’s strategic direction. In delivering college services, the GB takes into account the educational needs of the business sector and the local community.

2. Further information on the college is available on its website

3. This is an open competition which involves an application form and interview. The competition is being run in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments Northern Ireland Code of Practice. Independent assessment, openness and transparency are integral parts of the process. DfE is also committed to equality of opportunity for all individuals, and applications are welcome regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation, or whether or not you have dependants.  

4. Appointment will be made on merit from those eligible individuals who best satisfy the four essential criteria – Leadership and Corporate Governance, Delivering Strategy and Analytical Skills, Communication and Partnership Working, and Specialist Skills (selecting one from Managing and Developing People, or organisational change/transformation). Individuals are also required to meet an eligibility criterion that they should be, or have previously been, engaged or employed in business, industry or any profession. No specific academic or other qualifications are required for these appointments.

5. The appointments will be made as soon as practicable for an initial term of four years. If successful, you can expect to commit around one day per month to college business. This includes attendance per year at around six to nine full (evening) GB meetings, and dependent on Committee membership, four or more meetings per Committee. Members will also represent the College at meetings/public events.

6. The position of GB member is remunerated at £250 for a GB meeting and £150 for a committee meeting or event sanctioned by the Chair, plus travel and subsistence allowances which are payable at Northern Ireland Civil Service rates in respect of activities conducted whilst fulfilling their duties.

7. To keep up to date with news from the Department for the Economy you can follow us on the following social media channels:

X – @Economy_NI
Facebook – @DeptEconomyNI
Instagram – economy_ni
LinkedIn – Department for the Economy NI 

8. For media enquiries contact the Department for the Economy Press Office at

9. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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