
Obasanjo never told us what Peter Obi’ll do on economy, security — Oludare

US-based Medical Doctor and Economic Analyst, Marindoti Charles Oludare has stated that the Former President Olusegun Obasanjo never told Nigerians what the Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi will do in the areas of economy, security and other relevant sectors of the country.

The Medical Doctor stated this in condemnation of the former president’s endorsement of Peter Obi ahead of the 2023 presidential elections.

Marindoti said Obasanjo was trying to hoodwink Nigerians, adding that so many states would have followed suit had it been he allowed the All Progressive Congress Presidential Candidate, Bola Tinubu’s Independent Power Project (IPP) fly back then.

“Former President Olusegun Obasanjo never told us the salient point on what Peter obi was going to do on economy, security.

“When you ask obi himself, he won’t say it. He should tell us his strategy.

“Obasanjo was trying to hoodwink the people.

“Had Tinubu succeeded with the IPP Project, other states would have followed suit and the country would have been changed for the better.” He said.

Meanwhile, He admonished all Nigerians to support the emergency of Tinubu considering his laudable ideas of a transformed Nigeria.

Oludare noted that Asiwaju is the best candidate and that the country is 20 years too late for him.

The Analyst said things were not quite in the position of convenience when he started sprouting the ideas but persistence on the same old ideas.

“I don’t think Asiwaju is the best candidate, I know he is the best presidential candidate.

“I know Nigeria is 20 years too late for a Tinubu presidency. And why do I know this? Because this man has been saying the right things for over 24 years.

“Things were not quite in the position of convenience when he started sprouting these ideas.

“But he has persisted and is still the same old ideas that he has been speaking about, that he has been advocating for as a solution to Nigeria’s problems.” He said.

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