
EU4Digital: Join the DESI Accelerator regional event on 31 October

Representatives of institutions that collect Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) related indicators in the Eastern partner countries are invited to participate in an EU4Digital Facility event online on 31 October 2023. 

In the event, experts from the EU4Digital Digital Skills thematic area will present analysis of DESI implementation in the Eastern Partnership, discuss regional and national recommendations around the adoption of full DESI measurement, and reflect on insights and milestones from the EU4Digital DESI Accelerator activity, launched in May 2023. 

DESI represents a set of indicators to track the evolution of four major areas in the digital progress of economies and societies in the European Union: human capital, integration of digital technology, digital public services and connectivity. 

The EU4Digital DESI Accelerator targets three of the four DESI dimensions in the Eastern Partnership, not including connectivity. It is anticipated that the Eastern partner countries will establish full DESI indicator collection and related methodological changes. This will enable them to gather data in line with EU best practices and incorporate more accurate digital performance-related data in their national strategies. 

During the event, results of a gap analysis of Eastern partner countries’ DESI implementations to date will be presented. 

To participate, please request an invitation from 

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