
Doug Burgum calls economy ‘the big stick’ US can carry around the world

Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) described the U.S. economy as “the big stick” that the country can use to enforce the United States’s strength across the world.

Burgum explained that when he thinks of the economy, he thinks of the United States being able to rely on itself instead of other countries to produce energy. He also cited the need to sell this energy to other countries to strengthen the U.S. economy, noting how former President Donald Trump “brought American interests to the forefront” during his presidency.

“President Trump understands like Teddy Roosevelt did, walk softly and carry a big stick, and U.S. economy is the big stick we can carry around the world,” Burgum said on Fox News’s FOX & Friends Sunday. “Access to our markets and level playing fields, he’s going to fight for that, that’s good for every American.”

Burgum also addressed criticism some have made of him turning his back on green energy. The North Dakota governor argued that he is focused on “innovation, not regulation” regarding energy in his state, and that energy is what is needed to advance the country.

The governor also criticized President Joe Biden for his handling of energy, arguing the cost of electricity is up 30% under his presidency. He contended that the U.S. needs to up its game on energy if it wishes to stay ahead of rival countries like China.


Burgum is one of several candidates that Trump is reportedly considering for his vice presidential candidate in the 2024 election, as he and six other candidates reportedly received vetting materials from the Trump campaign. When asked this report, Burgum dodged this question and pointed to how hard Trump is working on the campaign trail, arguing that people who see him at rallies “see the depth of his care about the country.”

The U.S. economy has been a major point of criticism for Biden, which could impact his support from voters come Election Day. A recent poll that surveyed 3,969 voters found that 60% of them disapprove of the president’s economy, with 73% of respondents ranking the cost of living and inflation as one of their top three issues.

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