
Debt deal adds brake on US economy already at risk of recession

WASHINGTON — The cap on government spending in Washington’s deal to raise the federal debt limit adds a fresh headwind to a U.S. economy already burdened by the highest interest rates in decades and reduced access to credit.

The tentative deal crafted by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over the weekend — assuming it’s passed by Congress in coming days — avoids the worst-case scenario of a payments default triggering financial collapse. But it also could, even if at the margin, add to risks of a downturn in the world’s largest economy.

Federal spending in recent quarters has helped support U.S. growth in the face of headwinds including a slump in residential construction, and the debt limit deal is likely to at least damp that impetus. Two weeks before the debt limit deal, economists had calculated the chance of a recession in the coming year at 65 percent, a Bloomberg survey showed.

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