City of Killeen, business owners highlight impact of Fort Hood as new report reveals post contributes $30M to state’s economy

KILLEEN, Texas (KWTX) – A new report is highlighting the impact military bases have on local economies in Texas and reveals Fort Hood, the largest military post in the state, employs 57,000 people on post, including roughly 36,000 soldiers.
The City of Killeen said the tens of thousands of people living and working on post contribute to the economy off post by supporting local businesses and attending local events.
“Most of them are off post, attending our events, visiting our stores and our businesses,” said Janell Ford, the executive director of communications with the City of Killeen.
Josie McKinney, the owner and head chef at Let’s Eat Texas in downtown Killeen, said she was born in a military town in Alaska and says living near a base was a priority in her move towards warmer weather.
“Part of it was just that feeling you get in a military town, where you have the men and women who serve coming into your establishment and going to do events with them,” said McKinney.
While people on post may live in what seems like it’s own community, chef Josie agrees their contributions outside of Fort Hood are a driving force in helping the economy and local businesses thrive.
The city says that Fort Hood brings in about $30 million a year for the state, most of which directly affects Killeen’s economy. Ford says their long standing relationship with the base is how they manage to make decisions that positively impact Killeen and Fort Hood.
“The Robert Gray Army Airfield is one that has had another huge economic impact on our city, so we want to continue that partnership and grow that airport,” Ford says.
A recent report shows the collaboration between both airports grew their passenger volume to surpass the numbers from 2019, which is just another way that they have worked together to better support the people they serve.
The city adds that they have always had historically low unemployment numbers, all of which they credit to having the Army’s premiere military installation in their own backyard.
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