
Nigeria currency slump to hit finances at Imperial Leather and Carex soap maker PZ Cussons

Currency volatility in Nigeria could shave millions off the revenue and profits of the maker of Carex soap and Imperial Leather in a one-off hit to its finances.

Manchester-headquartered personal care giant PZ Cussons, which has a major market in Nigeria, has told investors its near-term financial performance would be impacted by the devaluation of the naira.

Earlier this month, Nigeria’s central bank changed foreign exchange policy to remove complex trading restrictions on the official market, allowing the naira to trade freely.

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It led to the biggest single-day slump in the currency in its history, declining nearly a quarter, according to reports.

PZ Cussons said that every 10% devaluation in the naira, from the rate used in its 2023 full-year income statement, is estimated to result in a £23m reduction in revenue and a £3m decline in its adjusted operating profit.

It could also shave 0.5p off its adjusted earnings per share, and slash its cash balance by about £20m.

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