The expression “money does not grow on trees” was one of my father’s favorite expressions. When we asked him for money or when he saw us wasting valuable resources such as water and electricity, he would ask, “Do you think money grows on trees?” As a child, I never really pondered that, since whenever I heard that, it meant I was being denied something I wanted. In my later years, I did think about it and thought that we could have responded in the affirmative and said, “Yes, money does grow on trees, because it is paper.” Well, we would have been dead wrong!
Dad was right, money, at least U.S. currency, does not grow on trees, it comes from plants, not trees. U.S. currency is 25% linen (flax plant) and 75% cotton. It is fabric and not paper. So, while it does not grow on trees, it still grows, but we cannot just go and harvest or pluck the leaves. There is a process and cost to producing currency.