
Did You Know About These EU Countries That Don’t Use The Euro?

For representation purpose only



For representation purpose only

It is a well-known fact that the Euro is a globally dominant currency. However, what may surprise many is that some European countries have chosen not to adopt it. The reasons behind this decision vary. For instance, countries like the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden maintain their currencies as a symbol of their economic independence and unique financial identities. Other countries like Switzerland and Norway, although not part of the European Union, have chosen to preserve their monetary sovereignty by relying on their respective currencies, the Swiss Franc and the Norwegian Krone, to sustain their economies and financial stability.

Additionally, countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, and Romania, although part of the European Union, have remained committed to their currencies, citing historical and economic factors as the primary drivers of their decision. This choice enables them to keep control over their monetary policies, providing greater flexibility in managing their economies and addressing specific domestic challenges.

Explore our list of European countries that do not use the Euro, the reasons behind it, and the dynamics at play in the continent’s financial landscape.

United Kingdom

English Pound

The British Pound Sterling (GBP) is the official currency of the United Kingdom and is used throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The Bank of England issues and regulates the currency. The UK government decided to keep control over its interest rates policy and not adopt the euro, as they were concerned that joining at an unfavourable rate could harm domestic manufacturing. Additionally, the government wanted to ensure financial independence on critical matters, especially given concerns about potential economic constraints from countries like Greece. This decision was supported by most of the British population and eventually led to the country’s withdrawal from the EU following a referendum in June 2016, which was finalised on 31 January 2020.


Swiss Franc

Switzerland is not a member of the European Union and thus does not use the Euro. Instead, it has its own currency, the Swiss Franc (CHF), which the Swiss National Bank issues. Although Switzerland is not part of the European Union (EU), it still participates in the EU’s single market through the Bilateral Agreements. However, it does not commit to the economic and monetary union. The Swiss Franc holds great significance to Swiss identity and has a history of being a stable currency. Therefore, Switzerland has consistently voted against joining the EU to preserve its monetary autonomy. While prices in Euros may be displayed for convenience, merchants have the right to accept payment in Euros but will usually provide change in Swiss Francs.


Norway, a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member, does not use the Euro currency. Instead, the country uses the Norwegian Krone (NOK), which Norges Bank, the central bank of Norway, regulates. Since Norway is not part of the European Union (EU), it continues to use the Norwegian Kroner (NOK) as its currency while working closely with the EU within the European Economic Area (EEA). Although using a common currency in the eurozone has advantages, Norway and Denmark prioritise their autonomy over their interest rate policies and have chosen to remain outside the monetary union. According to polling data over the past decade, there has been a consistent 70 per cent opposition to EU membership in Norway. Hence, Norway is determined in its resolution to abstain from becoming a member of the Union.


Sweden’s currency is the Swedish Krona (SEK), managed by Sveriges Riksbank. Despite the country having the opportunity to join the eurozone, it rejected the idea with 55.9 per cent opposition in a 2003 referendum. This decision has remained unchanged, with Sweden still using the Swedish Krona. Public opinion towards joining the eurozone has remained unfavourable, especially after the debt crisis in the early 2010s. Recent polls indicate that there is still a lack of support for the euro. Since no significant political party advocates for a new referendum, Sweden continues to hold its stance against adopting the Euro.


Denmark is a member of the European Union; however, it has opted to keep its currency, the Danish Krone (DKK), instead of the Euro. The central bank of Denmark, Danmarks National Bank, controls the DKK, which has been in circulation since 1873. Denmark utilised the opt-out provision in the Maastricht Treaty 1992 and chose not to adopt the Euro. The Danish people have voted three times on this issue, with the critical vote in 2000 resulting in a firm rejection of adopting the common European currency. The continued preference for the DKK is due to the belief that adopting the Euro could result in losing domestic control over monetary policy, making it a potential burden for the country.

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