
Control over our new Scottish currency is essential post-independence

IN Wednesday’s National, Iain Campbell Whittle advocates the adoption of the euro as Scotland’s currency “as soon as possible”.

I’m not quite sure if he means before independence is declared or after, but I believe it would be a mistake in either circumstance.

Scotland cannot be truly independent if using the currency of another country, simply because we would have no control over that currency.

A Scottish currency – say the Scots Pound for convenience – must be the only legal tender within Scotland from the first day of independence.

READ MORE: Does the Scottish people’s authority trump the UK Supreme Court’s?

This currency would only be issued by the state bank, the Bank of Scotland, and not by any private banks, as happens at present.

Further, the written Scottish constitution must state that the Scots Pound is only legal tender within Scotland, hence preventing it from being traded on the international money markets. Looking at how the Westminster government dances to the tune of the money markets should be a warning to anyone, and this would free us from the market’s malign influence.

Given these conditions, the state bank would be in full control of the issuing of currency and thus able to maintain a sensible, balanced economy, functioning for the whole population, not just the elite few.

The question of EU membership is not a matter for today but for the time when we are independent, when a whole different balance of parties at Holyrood will result from the first elections. Personally, I believe that being a member of the European Free Trade Association, as is Norway, would be the best arrangement, combining freedom to move and deal within the EU, but also to be in full control of our administration.

Tony Perridge

AS Michael Russell suggests at the end of his column (Huge decisions await as we move into 2023 and towards independence, Dec 31), I write in response with a few observations.

First of all, may I say I am a member of the SNP; the First Minister is my constituency MSP. I have been supporting her since she was a “list” candidate and we once met “back in the day” when she joined a protest in Pollok Park against a proposed “Go Ape” project which was scheduled to be installed in what should have been a protected flora and fauna area.

There have been a number of contributors with suggestions regarding the way ahead now for independence. It seems to me the next step:

1. MUST include a consultation (as opposed to the possible illegality of a referendum); MUST also include adult immigrants as well as all young adults over 16 (which entirely rules out the next UK election plan.)

2. Could be conducted either by written documentation or by way of open meetings carried out at constituency level and involving a voting procedure.

However, I do lack the background of a law degree as to the legality, or indeed also, perhaps, knowledge as to the effectiveness of such a suggestion!

Rev E Hope
via email

AMONG the welter of accusations and unsubstantiated opinions expressed in Jim Taylor’s long tirade (Long Letter, Jan 4), one in particular stands out. I’m afraid his characterisation of transgender as “a psychological condition” is embarrassingly anachronistic.

Just like homosexuality, trans conditions are no longer regarded as mental disorders, instead they are included under “conditions related to sexual health” in the current International Classification of Diseases. Pushing outdated and stigmatising misinformation will not help his case.

Derek Ball

IN Alan Riach’s airticle “From portents of doom to laughter of children” (Jan 3) anent the screivins in the Scots Language Society publication Wunds That Blaw Sea Roch, he quotes frae Margaret Marenich’s airticle The Wit o the Native Americans.

Noo gin onywan oot thare haes ony concerns anent the international appeal o Scots or the abilitie o fowk ootby Scotland tae unnerstaun wir leid, weel Margaret is ae braw ensaumple o juist hoo muckle oor Leid is admired ayont wir ain shore.

Margaret bides in Michigan an haes nae Scots connection apairt frae ae predecessor faw settled in Americae in the 1630s! She was gaein ae len o a CD o Scots Fowk Sangs an wis fascinated wi the wurds o thay sangs an juist haed tae ken mair. She gaed online an discoverd the Scots Language Society/Scots Leid Associe an learnt aa she cuid. Her mentor wis the laet John Law.

Margaret is noo ae first-cless screiver in Scots. In her airticle on the Native Americans she owerset frae Zitkala-Sa o the Yankton Sioux faw bemoans that fan the tribe’s yung, faw are made tae gang tae the white man’s college, thay came hame nae fit fur thair ane wey o leivin. “They cuidna speak oor leid richt”. Soun familiar tae onyway?

George T Watt

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