
“We can safely consider cryptocurrencies as a protection against inflation processes” – Volodymyr Nosov, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange WhiteBIT

Blockchain technology can help companies cope with the global economic downturn. While the cryptocurrency market was nascent a few years ago, today digital assets have become a symbol of security for saving money.

At the same time, companies that have started to integrate cryptocurrency and blockchain technology into their operations are already reaping significant benefits in the market. Volodymyr Nosov, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange WhiteBIT said this in an interview with IBTimes.

The degree of disruption to the usual global economic order is increasing: Russia launched a war in Ukraine at a time when the global economy was still vulnerable due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply chains that were disrupted during the pandemic have not been re-established. Moreover, inflation continues to gain momentum, reaching multi-year highs in some countries.

“Digital assets create a window of opportunity for those no longer willing to pay for the mistakes of fiduciary regulators and Wall Street. Cryptocurrencies are fully decentralised: they can be transferred instantly and anonymously, without the need for a bank to intervene, without fees or borders. Cryptocurrencies are often referred to as digital gold because this asset can be stored for a long time. Cryptocurrencies can also be seen as a hedge against inflation. Their supply is limited, unlike fiduciary currencies, the mass of which can be increased indefinitely by central banks,” – says Volodymyr Nosov.

According to the expert, cryptocurrency can be used not only to form an investment portfolio, but also for everyday purchases. It is a question of creating new income opportunities and attracting loyal customers to this payment method.

Entering the world of cryptocurrencies before other players in the market is one of the biggest competitive advantages a company can gain today. Your customers can come from anywhere in the world: there are no trade restrictions and you only need a smartphone to make a payment. We can also mention the reduction of transaction costs and instant payments.

WhiteBIT CEO Volodymyr Nosov.

It is worth noting that now the WhiteBIT cryptocurrency exchange, together with Mastercard, is creating a new global system of digital payments. The cryptocurrency exchange has also integrated with the Weld cryptocard and launched its own WBT token. All these steps are designed to ensure that WhiteBIT users’ digital assets can be used in their daily lives.

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Gary Cartwright

Gary Cartwright

Gary Cartwright is publishing editor and Brussels correspondent of EU Today.

An experienced journalist and author, he specialises in environment, energy, and defence.

He also has more than 10 years experience of working as a staff member in the EU institutions, working with political groups and MEPs in various policy areas.

In October 2021 POLITICO described Gary as “the busiest man in Brussels!”

He is a of member the Chartered Institute of Journalists, a professional association for journalists, the senior such body in the UK, and the oldest in the world having been founded in October 1884

Gary’s most recent book WANTED MAN: THE STORY OF MUKHTAR ABLYAZOV: A Manual for Criminals on How to Avoid Punishment in the EU is currently available from Amazon…

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