
USA: Ferrari to accept cryptocurrency as payment for its supercars

The Italian supercar brand will accept payment via Bitcoin, Ether & USDC.

According to a media report, Ferrari has started accepting cryptocurrency as payment for its supercars in the USA. The Italian supercar brand also confirmed that the new payment scheme will extend to Europe sometime during the first quarter of next year before being introduced in other markets as well.

The decision towards accepting cryptocurrency as payment is said to have come based on requests from the market & dealers since most of its clients have invested in crypto. Enrico Galliera, Chief Marketing & Commercial Officer, Ferrari, stated in an interview, “Some are young investors who have built their fortunes around cryptocurrencies. Some others are more traditional investors, who want to diversify their portfolios.”

Ferrari has shipped more than 1,800 cars to America in the first half of the year. While Galliera didn’t state any expected sales number from crypto, he did mention that the brand’s portfolio is fully booked well into 2025. Galliera mentioned, “This will help us connect to people who are not necessarily our clients but might afford a Ferrari.”

For the cryptocurrency payment processors, Ferrari has partnered with BitPay for the initial phase in the USA. The Italian supercar brand will accept payment via Bitcoin, Ether & USDC. BitPay will also help Ferrari ensure that the virtual currencies being accepted come from legitimate sources and are not derived from any criminal activity.

Source: Reuters

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