
Right Wing Wins Good For Crypto? Trump Champions Bitcoin Miners, Europe’s Uncertain Future

It’s probably best if we start this newsletter with a small disclaimer – we aren’t of any political persuasion and nor are we here to promote any political party or side.

Writing to you from Singapore, we don’t have a dog in any race over in the US or Europe, or anywhere else for that matter. We’re too busy voting on public housing paint colours to concern ourselves with how people vote in overseas elections.

But in these trying times, we can’t help to notice a pattern emerging: right-wing parties seem to be embracing crypto. Loyal Blockhead readers will already be well informed about Donald Trump’s popularity among the crypto crowd.

Donald Trump is Crypto’s Presidential Favorite, Just Ask Memecoins

Donald Trump is becoming crypto’s favourite US Presidential candidate while Joe Biden is becoming equally unfavourable

Trump Loves Crypto

A few weeks ago, the former US president spoke at the Libertarian National Convention, vowing to protect self-custody rights for the crypto holders.

Prior to his speech, he posted on Truth social media that he is “very positive and open-minded to cryptocurrency companies and all things related to this new and burgeoning industry.”

“Our country must be the leader in the field, there is no second place,” he added.

Not even a guilty verdict for paying off a porn star has deterred the crypto crowd from showing their support for Trump.

Votes on crypto betting site Polymarket show that Trump is the clear Presidential favourite with 56% odds of winning compared to Biden’s 34%.

Trump’s Crypto Support Unphased By Guilty Verdict

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 felony counts but the crypto market is still showing unwavering support

In the latest chapter of the blossoming Trump-crypto relationship, the former President has expressed his support for Bitcoin miners.

Matthew Schultz, executive chairman at crypto mining company CleanSpark, and Jason Les, chief executive officer and director of Riot Platforms, reportedly met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night.

Les and Schultz were among the several Bitcoin miners who met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, where he told attendees that he “loves” crypto and appreciates how Bitcoin miners help to stabilize energy supply from the grid.

“Americans vote with their pocketbooks. We can count on Bitcoin folks,” Schultz recalls Trump saying.

America Only

The meeting occurred amid the backlash against crypto miners over climate change issues and their effects on local power grids. Democrats have been at the forefront of increasing scrutiny of Bitcoin miners’ energy usage and carbon emissions.

On Truth Social, Trump said Bitcoin mining “might be our last line of defence against a CBDC,” calling for all remaining Bitcoin to be made in America.

“VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!” Trump declared on Truth Social.

Bad Bidens

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict has triggered Biden-related memecoins to soar. The President’s son was found guilty on three counts related to gun charges. In the hours that followed, Jeo Boden (BODEN) Solana memecoin jumped 15% while Hunter Boden (HUNTBODEN) skyrocketed 116% in under 30 minutes after the verdict.

However, while BODEN continues to enjoy its gains, HUNTERBODEN is down more than 50%.

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