
Genesis initiates asset sale in US bankruptcy court- Republic World

Updated February 4th, 2024 at 12:01 IST

Elon Musk | Image:Britannica

Allegations on Musk: Elon Musk’s reported use of illegal drugs was allegedly known to several current and former directors at Tesla Inc. and SpaceX, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Sources claimed there were concerns about the extent of Musk’s drug use and that he allegedly consumed drugs with some board members. The report stated that the board did not conduct investigations into the matter or document any concerns.

A Delaware judge recently criticised the relationship between Musk and his directors, citing conflicts of interest in a ruling that deemed Musk’s $55 billion pay package excessive.

Musk and his lawyer, Alex Spiro, did not respond to requests for comment from the Wall Street Journal. Previous reports by the paper indicated that Musk had used substances like LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private gatherings. Spiro previously stated that Musk underwent regular and random drug tests at SpaceX and had never failed a test.

According to the report, some friends and directors allegedly felt compelled to partake in illegal drug use with Musk to avoid upsetting him and to maintain their social standing within his circle.

In response to previous allegations of drug use, Musk posted on X, stating, “Whatever I’m doing, I should obviously keep doing it!” He cited Tesla and SpaceX as the world’s most valuable car and space companies, adding, “If drugs actually helped improve my net productivity over time, I would definitely take them!”

Elon Musk oversees six companies, including Tesla, SpaceX, X (formerly known as Twitter), The Boring Co., Neuralink, and xAI, an artificial intelligence startup.

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