
Gang kidnapped teen and held him to ransom on Snapchat in £30k cryptocurrency plot

Four young men kidnapped a teenager and held him to ransom on Snapchat in the hope of stealing up to £30,000 in cash and cryptocurrency from him. In a case described as ‘gangland stuff’ and one of the most serious of its type, Nickyle Harris, Panashe Mahachi, Danreiko Henry and Daejon Byfeild abducted the victim outside a snooker hall in Digbeth after he tried to buy nitrous oxide.

They drove him to Oldbury where they pointed an imitation shotgun at his mouth as well as whacked him with a machete, knuckledusters and their fists as they threatened to kill him. During the two-hour ordeal they sent videos to his friends demanding money but soon realised he did not have the five-figure sums they were initially led to believe.

They ended up stealing £377 in cash and forced him to transfer more than £800 worth of cryptocurrency before they dropped him off at a railway station. The four men, who had never previously been convicted of a crime, were jailed for nearly 40 years in total at Birmingham Crown Court earlier today.

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Judge Simon Drew Kc described it as a ‘truly shocking and terrifying incident’ adding: “This really is one of the most serious kidnapping incidents that I have seen come before these courts.”

The victim had been at SnowHill Snooker Centre in Digbeth on September 2 last year when he contacted Harris, who he knew as ‘Zigs’, to buy laughing gas. Harris arrived outside the venue around 7pm in a Volkswagen driven by Byfield.

Prosecutor Nigel Stelling said: “As he approached a man called Fresco, which is Mr Mahachi, hit him over the head. That caused him to lose consciousness and he was pulled into the vehicle.

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