
BitBoy’s Twitter Account Hacked And Used To Promote Anti-SEC Scam Token By Benzinga

Benzinga – In a startling development, renowned crypto influencer Ben Armstrong, popularly known as BitBoy, fell victim to a malicious cyberattack today. His account was compromised and used to advertise a digital coin that disparages the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The Hack: A Verified Information

AJ, a writer on BitBoy’s team specializing in crypto content, has confirmed this disconcerting event. It’s a dramatic turn of events for a figurehead who has hitherto been instrumental in guiding cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.

The Mysterious Token and Its Unfortunate Implications

The hackers utilized Armstrong’s account to market an obscure token bearing a derogatory reference to the SEC.

BitBoy’s Influence in the Crypto Space

Ben Armstrong is a notable figure in the digital currency world, whose insights and forecasts have proven pivotal for many crypto investors.

Exploiting the recent frenzy around meme tokens, which sparked an explosive rally in meme coins including PEPE (CRYPTO: PEPE) and ones endorsed by BitBoy such as the BEN (CRYPTO: BEN) token, these scammers have found their window of opportunity. This tactic of leveraging the hype in the meme token market to promote their scam tokens reveals a new level of sophistication in their deceptive strategies. It underscores the importance of investor vigilance in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

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