

Whitmer pension grants are a $553M bailout for governments – Michigan Capitol Confidential

News Story Michigan municipalities that made promises they can’t keep get half-billion dollar bailout Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. (State of Michigan) The state of Michigan has extended a half-billion dollar bailout to local government pension funds in the 2024 budget. That’s not how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer describes it, depicting the bailout as putting money “back into Michigan seniors’ pockets.” But that’s not how the governor’s plan works. “Michiganders work hard and they deserve to retire with dignity,” Whitmer tweeted of the Protection MI Pension grants on Sept. 20, complete...

‘Phoenix Life has been keeping my £86,000 pension for a year against my wishes’

Has a company treated you unfairly? Our Consumer Champion is available to help. For how to contact her click here.Dear Katie,I have been trying to move my pension with Phoenix Life over to a Fidelity Sipp for over a year after having been given a transfer value of £86,000. However, the pension has still not yet been moved.Most of the correspondence I have had with Phoenix Life has been ignored, or responded to via an automated email response.Fidelity has contacted it several times to request that the funds be transferred,...
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