Households can claim up to £500 in free cash through a new cost of living support scheme. The Household Support Fund is a national scheme created by the government which gives local councils a pot of cash which they can then use to help and support vulnerable people in their area with the cost of living.
Torbay Council on the south coast is among the local authorities taking part. “We have been allocated £2,470,714 by the Department of Work & Pensions. This is to support those hit hardest by the cost-of-living crisis. The scheme will run from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024,” it says.
The council will consider two applications during the scheme: one application in the first 6 months – April to September, and a second application – October to March. “We will pay the money into your bank account. It does not need to be repaid,” the council says on its website.
Households in receipt of a Welfare Benefit can receive £150. Households not in receipt of a Welfare Benefit can receive between £250 and £500. This depends on the size of your household. To apply for Household Support, you must: be over 16 years of age, live in Torbay and be on a welfare benefit/tax credit or have a disposable income of less than £50 per week.
“Awards will normally only be given to people liable for fuel costs. Exceptions do apply to people who are homeless,” the council goes on to state. Other support in Torbay provided by Household Support Funding includes food support through Family Hubs – £60,000, essentials for things linked to energy costs and water for those in receipt of a disability benefit or children under 5 – £50,000 and provision of extra debt and benefit advice – £127,500.
It will also roll out care experienced support for young people – £46,000, give £150k food banks and £250k to social supermarkets. Baby banks will receive £40k.