
UK general election live: Labour highlights banking hub plans as Tories focus on farming

What the papers are sayingpublished at 06:36

A composite of the front pages of Metro and the Daily Telegraph

Let’s give you a taste of some of today’s newspaper headlines, many of which unsurprisingly focus on the latest from the general election campaign trail.

The Daily Telegraph says the Conservatives are turning “to [Boris] Johnson to counter Reform [UK]”. It also features a former GCHQ boss who says he backs Labour’s security plans. He says Labour’s planned “triple lock” on the nuclear deterrent – which commits the party to build four submarines, deliver necessary future upgrades and maintain the continuous at-sea deterrent – shows that voters can trust Sir Keir Starmer with security.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage is accused of offering a manifesto that “doesn’t add up”, the Guardian reports.

The i’s front page is also about Farage, as a large image of the Reform UK leader accompanies a quote from him saying it is “impossible” to know if his party will stick to its low tax pledge.

An exclusive interview with Rishi Sunak makes the front page of the Daily Mail, in which the PM says his Labour opponent wants to rig the voting system to “entrench his power”.

The Daily Express leads with banking giant HSBC saying the Labour Party’s plan to boost wages would “trigger higher mortgage bills” and a “surge in unemployment”, and quotes the PM saying “vote for Reform risks a generation under Labour”.

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