
Trump news today: Trump rages at his enemies in New Year message after damning Jan 6 report and tax returns

What we know about Donald Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump’s message to ring in 2023 wished a happy New Year to his political enemies, from “radical left Democrats” and “Marxist Lunatics” to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and anti-Trump Republicans he claims are working to “destroy” the US.

A string of furious posts and articles shared to his Truth Social account follow a damning week for the former president, after members of Congress released a sweeping report on the attack on the US Capitol on 6 January, 2021 and years of his tax information to the public.

His long-anticipated tax returns put his finances and business practices in the spotlight as he faces calls to be criminally charged in connection with the insurrection.

An accompanying report points to questionable claims regarding professional expenses, charitable deductions, “disguised gifts” to his adult children, and canny use of real estate write-offs in New York.

He was also revealed to have foreign bank accounts in China, the UK, Ireland, and St Maarten, and in his first year in office paid more in tax abroad than in the US.

The former president lashed out at the release, claiming it sets a precedent for “horrible things for so many people” and will cause divisions in the US to “grow far worse”.


ICYMI: Adam Kinzinger blames Kevin McCarthy for Trump’s political staying power and ‘crazy elements’ in GOP

Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on a House select committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol, blamed GOP leader Kevin McCarthy for giving Donald Trump a political lifeline after the insurrection, opening the door for “crazy elements” in the soon-to-be Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

“He is the reason Donald Trump is still a factor,” Mr Kinzinger told CNN on 1 January. “He is the reason that some of the crazy elements of the House still exist.”

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 05:00


ICYMI: Trump had foreign bank accounts in China, UK and Ireland as president and one year paid more foreign tax than US

The release of Trump’s tax records show that the former president had foreign bank accounts in China, the UK, Ireland and St Maarten during his presidency, and in his first year in the White House paid more foreign tax than US.

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 04:00


How did Trump get away with paying so little in taxes?

The sheer complexity of the former property mogul’s business empire means it will take time to pore over the nearly 6,000 pages of figures in detail but what is immediately clear is that he actively pursued legal but creative accounting strategies to ensure his federal tax contributions were kept as low as possible.

While Mr Trump paid $641,931 in federal income tax in 2015, he paid just $750 in 2016 and 2017 and none whatsoever in 2020.

He did pay almost $1m in 2018 and $133,445 in 2019 but, as a proportion of his earnings, those are small amounts.

The Independent’s Joe Sommerlad explains how he did it.

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 03:00


George Santos seemingly admitted to 2008 check fraud on social media, report says

George Santos is scheduled to take office this week as a newly elected Republican congressman from New York, joining a new GOP majority in the House of Representatives.

But he will be entering office facing a wave of allegations that he has fabricated a bulk of his resume and filled his profile with bogus claims about his life and career. Questions about his employment history, personal finances, allegations of fraud and whether he lied about the death of his own mother have only continued to mount in recent weeks.

One of these allegations includes a 2008 claim that Mr Santos, then 19 years old, stole a checkbook and was charged with making fraudulent purchases in Brazil.

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 02:00


What we know about Trump’s tax returns

The Independent’s Eric Garcia breaks down some of the highlights from hundreds of pages of long-anticipated tax documents involving the former president.

We learned Trump did not make any charitable contributions in his final year as president, despite his pledge, had foreign bank accounts while in office, and claimed taxable income or losses in China, Israel, Canada and other foreign countries.

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 01:00


Statue of John Lewis to be erected where confederate obelisk once stood

A statue of the late congressman and prominent civil rights figure John Lewis will replace the space where a confederate monument once stood in Georgia.

A 16-ft-tall statue will be erected in the congressional district in Decatur that Lewis represented for 17 terms. Previously in that location, there was a Confederate Obelisk standing there for more than 100 years until it was removed in 2020.

Alex Woodward2 January 2023 00:00


ICYMI: Trump spent $1m bailing out Donald Jr’s failed business in 2018, new tax returns show

In 2010, Trump’s eldest son started Titan Atlas Manufacturing, which provided cast panels for prefabricated homes. But the company fell deeply into debt by 2017. That led to the former president setting up a company called D B Pace to take over.

The release of his tax returns show that the president suffered a $1m loss bailing out his son’s beleaguered venture.

Alex Woodward1 January 2023 23:00


Trump reportedly doesn’t trust ‘ultra MAGA’ Elise Stefanik

A profile on the rising Republican in The New York Times reports that third-ranking House Republican Elise Stefanik has earned a reputation for her diligence “in advancing the party’s message” and her “unabashedly transactional” relationships to gain support as she advances in the lower chamber of Congress.

But sources close to the former president told The Times that any stories casting her as a “potential running mate [to Trump] are regarded as clumsy plants by her own team, and inspire bemusement and mockery.”

“Trump liked her, they said, and liked watching her defend him. But even he didn’t trust her,” according to the report.

The Times chronicles the rapid evolution of Ms Stefanik, a staunch supporter of the former president, from a relative moderate to a prominent figure on the GOP’s far-right flank with a self-described “ultra-MAGA” agenda, adopting Mr Trump’s baseless narrative of election fraud and embracing conspiracy theories that appeal to a reactionary base.

Alex Woodward1 January 2023 22:00


George Santos claimed he was robbed of his rent money. NYPD doesn’t have a record

In a sworn statement in housing court in 2016, George Santos – who is set to take office this week – claimed he was mugged on his way to pay hundreds of dollars in back rent to his Queens landlord during an eviction case. The New York City Police Department has no record of any such attack.

The Republican wrote that he was “unable to provide a police report” and was told to return to police several days later to pick one up, according to an affidavit that was filled out under oath.

The report follows a long list of recently revealed fabrications and outright lies across both his professional resume and life experiences, including false claims about his education, career, real estate portfolio and his mother’s death.

Alex Woodward1 January 2023 20:00


Adam Kinzinger blames Kevin McCarthy for Trump’s political staying power and ‘crazy elements’ in GOP

Adam Kinzinger blamed GOP leader Kevin McCarthy for giving Donald Trump a political lifeline after the insurrection, opening the door for “crazy elements” in the soon-to-be Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

“He is the reason Donald Trump is still a factor,” Mr Kinzinger told CNN on 1 January. “He is the reason that some of the crazy elements of the House still exist.”

The Illinois congressman is among several House Republicans who voted to impeach the former president for fuelling the assault on Congress in an attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election, which Mr Trump continues to falsely insist was “stolen” and “rigged” against him.

Mr Kinzinger said the GOP House leader had an opportunity to tell “the truth” in the wake of the attack but instead visited the former president’s Florida compound at Mar-a-Lago weeks later, effectively “resurrecting” Mr Trump’s political career.

Alex Woodward1 January 2023 19:00

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