
South Cumbria dog retires from donating blood with Pet Blood Bank UK

Thor, from Witherslack, has recently retired as a blood donor with Pet Blood Bank UK after making an incredible 20 donations.

Each donation can help to save the lives of up to four other dogs.

Thor is owned by Jenny and Stuart Stott who run local charity Retired Greyhounds South Lakes.

Jenny and Stuart were pivotal in bringing dog blood donation sessions to the local area after partnering with Pet Blood Bank in 2017. Since then, they have worked alongside Pet Blood Bank to raise awareness and get as many people as possible to register their own dogs as lifesavers.

Through their own charity, Retired Greyhounds South Lakes, Jenny and Stuart have rehomed over 300 greyhounds, many of which have become blood donors. Jenny and Stuart alone have owned 10 greyhounds over the years who have been blood donors, including Thor.

Earlier this year, the pair were recognised with Pet Blood Bank’s Ambassador Award for their long-standing exceptional support of the charity. Because of them, many, many lives have been impacted.

Thor’s owner Jenny said: “We are so proud of Thor for helping to save so many dogs lives, he’s certainly a great ambassador for the breed. He loves going to the donation sessions and getting lots of treats and cuddles from the team.

“Greyhounds make wonderful blood donors and lots of the Greyhounds from Retired Greyhounds South Lakes give blood at the sessions while with us waiting for homes and continue to do so once in their new homes.”

Pet Blood Bank operates across the UK collecting blood from dogs at locally run donation sessions. This blood is then processed and stored, ready to be sent out to vets when they need it for unwell dogs.

More dogs like Thor are needed to come forward and give blood to save the lives of their fellow canines. If your dog is fit and healthy, between one and eight years old, weighs over 25kg, and is confident, they could become a blood donor.

Highgate Vets in Kendal runs regular donation sessions with Pet Blood Bank. Visit:

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