- Work carried out in-keeping with World Heritage zone
- Some 2,180 tons of stone used to fill hole caused by floods
- Drop-in event to be held for local residents
Crucial to this effort has been the repair of damage to flood defences such as the Folly Road Flood Bank at Darley Abbey in Derbyshire.
Here, the effects of high river levels during Storm Babet in October and Storm Henk in January left their toll.
Once water levels receded, Environment Agency inspections noted significant erosion to over 40m of flood bank which protects properties from the River Derwent.
A team from the Environment Agency and Jackson Civil Engineering supported by Derby City Council were swiftly mobilised.
Over a period of 11 weeks, 2180 tonnes of stone was brought in to fill the large scour hole and protect the bottom of the embankment.
The team were conscious of the sensitives of working within a World Heritage site and ensured the right look and colour of the material being brought in.
A drop-in meeting for the Darley Abbey community is being held on Monday 15 April 2024 (2.30-7.30pm) at Derby Rugby Football Club, Haslams Lane, Derby, DE22 1EB.
Carl Wharmby, Environment Agency Recovery Manager for the East Midlands, said:
“We are grateful to our team and partners on how quickly and safely we were able to undertake these works and restore flood protection to the Folly Road community.
“We appreciate that these works may have caused some disturbance to users of Darley Abbey Park and thank the public for the positive messages our team have received since they have been on site.”
“We fully appreciate that flooding is devastating and we continue to urge people to sign up for our free flood warning system.
“These warn of the risk of flooding from rivers, the sea and groundwater. You’ll be alerted by phone, email or text when flooding is expected.”
Background Information
We are checking assets and determining if any repair work is needed.
We’ve progressed with the most urgent repairs such as repairing damage to the flood bank at Darley Abbey.
We’ve teamed up with partners to hold community drop ins across the East Midlands which have been attended by over 1000 people so far.
This winter our assets have protected over 21,000 properties from flooding.
Over 4,200 properties in the East Midlands have been impacted by flooding this winter 23-24.