
Mum followed abusive ex home from food bank and stabbed him with broken Budweiser bottle

After Chantelle Hurst had been subjected to domestic violence, she bludgeoned Mark Seddon in his property near Wigan, Greater Manchester, amid “significant distress”

Mark Seddon and Chantelle Hurst’s relationship became abusive(Mark Seddon/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

A mum followed her abusive ex home from a food bank and stabbed him with a broken Budweiser bottle.

Chantelle Hurst, 31, bludgeoned 41-year-old Mark Seddon after he had subjected her to domestic violence during an “awful relationship”. A court heard Hurst experienced “significant distress” amid the affair, yet a judge jailed her on Friday for 14 months for causing grievous bodily harm. Her not guilty plea to the more serious charge of wounding with intent was accepted.

The court heard the couple had been involved in an abusive seven-month relationship. At the time of the attack, Mr Seddon was on bail, banned from going near Hurst and had been ordered to wear an electronic tag. He gave a statement to police after the assault on him but subsequently declined to co-operate with the investigation.

Hurst, a former volunteer at a special needs school, attacked Mr Seddon in a fit of rage during the violent struggle at his home near Wigan, Greater Manchester. It was alleged Hurst slashed her own neck with a razor before she smashed the Budweiser beer bottle against a kitchen unit and then stabbed her former partner with the jagged edge.

Mr Seddon fought back but Hurst then grabbed a hammer from the living room which she then used to beat him again. He suffered severe cuts to his scalp, which required 22 staples and defence wounds to his hand but he was discharged from hospital shortly afterwards.

Sentencing Hurst at Bolton Crown Court, Judge Abigail Hudson said: “The court cannot be sure that there was no violence offered by Mr Seddon towards Miss Hurst on this particular occasion. Without casting any aspersions on the complainant whatsoever, I must give the benefit of the doubt to Miss Hurst although the level of violence she offered was unacceptable.

“There was a perhaps an element of being faced with a violent situation which would have undoubtedly caused her significant distress.”

Mr Seddon was battered by Hurst in his home near Wigan(Mark Seddon/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)
Hurst struck her ex with a broken bottle and a hammer(Chantelle Hurst/ Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

She told Hurst: “Quite frankly you and Mr Seddon had been involved in an awful relationship for a number of months and he’s beaten you on several occasions. Two weapons were used in this incident but there were elements of self defence within your actions.

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