
Morgan Stanley CEO says his firm is ready for ‘Basel III endgame’

James Gorman, chairman and chief executive of Morgan Stanley, speaks during the Global Financial Leader’s Investment Summit in Hong Kong, China, on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. The de-facto central bank of the Chinese territory is this week holding its global finance summit for a second year in a row. Photographer: Lam Yik/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images

SINGAPORE — Morgan Stanley Chairman and CEO James Gorman said his firm will be able to cope with “any form” that new banking regulations end up taking, but added he expects some watering down before the final rules are confirmed.

U.S. regulators on Tuesday defended their plans for a sweeping set of proposed changes to banks’ capital requirements, speaking in front of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. They are aimed at tightening regulation of the industry after two of its biggest crises in recent memory — the 2008 financial crisis, and the March upheaval in regional lenders.

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