
LINK banking hub could be opened in Tiptree Colchester

Tiptree Post Office is currently the only option for residents in need of a banking facility, which is causing a strain on the service.

It comes after Barclays and Lloyds left the village some time ago, which is said to have “caused hardship” for locals.

But LINK, the UK’s cash machine network company, could now be set to establish a bank site in the area. 

The network company provides communities with access to cash through services such as cashback at retailers tills and banking hubs.

If approved by LINK, the banking hub will provide a shared banking space with a counter service and private spaces available to support everyone.

Banks will work on a rotating basis so there will be staff from different banks available on different days.

The move comes after Tiptree Parish Council unanimously approved the pursuit of a new banking hub.

Stuart Gulleford, Tiptree parish councillor, has been pushing for a new Tiptree banking hub alongside council chairman Jonathan Greenwood and Clerk Rob Williams.

Gazette: Village- outside the former Barclays bank in TiptreeVillage- outside the former Barclays bank in Tiptree (Image: Google)

He  said: “I am seeking a banking hub for Tiptree following the departure of Barclays and Lloyds, which has caused hardship in the village, especially for elderly people who can’t travel to nearby towns for their banking.

“The village is now almost entirely reliant on Tiptree Post Office for its banking, which only has two counters and frequently only has one of them open.

“People often face long waits for service, which is difficult for elderly people and for those with disabilities.

Gazette: Councillor- Stuart GullefordCouncillor- Stuart Gulleford (Image: Stuart Gulleford)

“We are also very mindful of the fact Tiptree has more than 110 businesses of varying types, quite a few of whom need cash services to deal with change and other banking services.

“We have held a preliminary meeting with Link, who could provide us with a banking hub and have followed this up with a formal application.

“Our application will have to be assessed to see whether Tiptree qualifies, so there are no guarantees.

“However, I think it is an initiative worth pursuing. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.”


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