
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania appoints Paolo Vivona as General Manager & CEO and Chairman of the Management Committee

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the Romanian Subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo, announces the appointment of Paolo Vivona as General Manager & CEO and Chairman of the Management Committee. His appointment was already approved formally by National Bank of Romania (NBR).


Paolo Vivona has over 33 years of extensive experience in banking and business development, including 24 years in management positions. The bank’s new General Manager & CEO has a solid experience of banking markets at an international level, based on know-how gained in different banks with successful business models and strategies and strong organizational cultures.

His career path covers Business, Governance and Control Functions, having different positions from operational to senior and top management, managing projects from small to large, business as usual or strategic, from pioneering to transformational in different market realities within the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.

He started his activity in the Italian banking system in 1989, with responsibilities from the operational and back-office area up to the Corporate side. In 1996 he was promoted to Area Manager for the Middle East and China countries.

In 1998 Paolo Vivona was appointed as Chief Representative in Beijing Branch and Supervisor of Shanghai Representative Office, China with responsibilities to expand the relations with regional banks in order to increase the commercial trade, payments, and remittances from/to China and Italy for Italian companies. Later on, he handled the late 2000 Asian market crisis as Japan Branch Manager.

From 2009 until present he covered several positions within the Top Management and the Management Boards within the foreign perimeter of the International Subsidiary Banks of Intesa Sanpaolo: Vice President, Responsible Risk Management in Bank of Qingdao, Qingdao (China), Chief Risk Officer in Bank of Alexandria (Egypt), Chief Financial Officer in CIB Bank (Hungary), Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer at VUB Bank (Slovakia)

In 2019 he was appointed, within the Chief Lending Officer Area of Intesa Sanpaolo, Head of International Subsidiaries Banks Credit Department, with responsibilities for the underwriting and monitoring of the quality of credit portfolio of the International Subsidiary Banks Division that comprises eleven subsidiary banks present in twelve countries. Before, in 2018 always within the Chief Lending Officer Area, he covered the position of Senior Director, Workout Management & Administration with responsibilities on the implementation of the new structured of recovery following the sale and outsourcing of the doubtful credit portfolio of Intesa Sanpaolo.

In the last 10 years, Paolo Vivona has been Member of Board of Directors / Supervisory Board in several banks and other financial institutions owned by Intesa Sanpaolo Group in Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Italy.

The Romanian market continues to be a strategic one and our long-term business plan for Romania continues to focus on the development of the Corporate, SME and Retail segments and the further implementation of the digitalization process.  To achieve our goals, we are strongly motivated and we will rely on team spirit and the support and synergies of the Group.” stated Paolo Vivona, the new CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank.


The new top management team of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania is compound of:

Paolo Vivona- General Manager & CEO

Andrea DE MICHELIS – First Deputy General Manager

Simone IERI – Deputy General Manager – Chief Financial Officer

Dan GRIGORIU – Deputy General Manager – Head of Retail Division

Vlad PONTA – Deputy General Manager – Head of Corporate and SME Division

Gabriel FAUR – Deputy General Manager – Chief Operating Officer

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