One of the UK’s largest housing associations has hired, Liam Coleman, the former boss of Co-operative Bank, as its new chair, alongside new committee appointments.
Mr Coleman, who has over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry, will take over from the current chair Aubrey Adams, who will retire in the autumn after nine years in the role.
The incoming chair is currently a non-executive director and chair of the Audit Committee at the Financial Conduct Authority, the chair of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and a non-executive director and chair of the Customer Services Committee at Vivid Housing.
L&Q has also appointed Anne Turner as an independent member of its Audit and Risk Committee.
Ms Turner is a qualified accountant and the former chief operating officer of Orbit Group. Since retiring from this role she has held several non-executive director positions, including group board roles with three large housing associations.
Welcoming the appointments, outgoing chair Aubrey Adams said: “L&Q is operating in a period of significant political, economic and regulatory change, and there is more scrutiny of the sector than ever before.
“In order to deliver our corporate objectives and ensure that every resident has a safe and decent home, as well as access to services they can rely on, it’s essential that L&Q has robust governance.
“Liam and Anne have a wealth of varied expertise and decades of experience, and I am delighted to welcome them to L&Q. My own time at L&Q has been incredibly fulfilling, and I wish Liam every success as I hand over the chair to him in the autumn.
“I also know that Anne will provide rigorous governance for the Audit and Risk Committee, and her background in senior housing association positions will be invaluable over the months and years ahead.”
The appointments were made following a detailed review and skills audit of L&Q’s group board and committee members. The recruitment and selection panel was agreed by L&Q’s Governance and Remuneration Committee, supported by talent advisory firm Green Park.
The landlord revealed earlier this week that it had recovered 143 homes over the past year as the association continues to tackle property misuse.
The G15 landlord made 202 visits to homes identified as fraud risks between April 2023 and March 2024, resulting in 55 possession orders and nine voluntary vacation notices from residents.
Tenancy fraud includes illegally subletting social housing homes, providing false information to obtain a home and taking over a tenancy unlawfully.
It is estimated that each case of fraud costs the taxpayer £43,000.