A TEARFUL TikToker has defended sharing her food bank haul online after she was shamed by commenters.
Trolls even went as far as to accuse her of “begging” for donations.
Angel (@mysecretinnermonologue) shared the haul video with over 30,000 TikTok followers.
In the haul video, Angel explained that she recently recovered from being homeless and relied on the food bank as a resource for food.
She admitted that she had initially been against going to the bank but had swallowed her pride and accepted the help as she had no other financial option.
The TikToker was visibly upset due to the backlash the haul video received, calling out a viewer who acted in bad faith after she posted her video.
“Whoever found my food bank haul and sent it to my mom and said that I’m probably doing it to get donations and pity from other people, I would like to say I am not,” she said.
Angel glared in defiance, feeling wronged as she made her next point.
“Why is it okay for people to share things like Trader Joe’s hauls and Whole Foods hauls and what they eat in a day but I can’t share my own take on that?” she asked.
“I’ve watched so many influencers have avocado toast for breakfast and I’ve always dreamed of that moment and I can’t post content like that,” she said as she wiped away tears.
“Don’t be mean, I have the right to have my own way of posting my own content.”
Angel shared that she used to volunteer at a food bank in high school and would have never wanted people to feel embarrassed for using the food bank as a resource.
The treatment she received after she posted, however, had her afraid.
“I wasn’t even ashamed about going (nor was I proud) but now I’m too scared to talk about my own authentic life experiences,” she said in the caption.
People took to the comments, largely to send their support and words of encouragement.
“It’s because of food bank haul videos that I’ve learned they need more help,” said one commenter.
“You’re spreading awareness and should never be shamed for that.”
“I thought your video was so wholesome. I teach in a high-poverty area and I think awareness is important whether you need a food bank or not,” said another.