
How to expand into the USA: guide for UK startups

At SeedLegals, founders regularly ask us about expanding their business into America – if and when to start up in the US, how to register a business in the States, the contracts you need, how to hire people in the US, how to give share options to workers abroad, and more.

To answer all these questions, and to highlight some of the pitfalls for UK businesses when they expand to the US, we ran a webinar with Daniel Glazer of Wilson Sonsini, the international American law firm that specialises in advising high-growth technology companies from corporate formation to IPO/M&A exit and beyond.

In this post, we’ve summarised the essential information for founders considering expanding into and hiring in the United States. You can view the full-length webinar video below.

Thinking about raising investment from US investors?
Head over to our other post, How to raise investment in the USA: guide for UK startups

Go to the US either early or late

After decades of working with startups, Daniel Glazer and his team observe that UK startups are most successful in their move into the US when they go either early or late. Daniel recommends you get it right in the UK or in the US before you attempt to expand in America:


Daniel Glazer Wilson Sonsini

Make sure US contractors aren’t ‘employees’

If you don’t yet feel ready to hire employees in the US but need a few people to get started for you over there, you can just hire them as contractors, right? Not quite.

In the USA, whether someone is an ‘employee’ isn’t determined by whether they have an employment agreement. Similar to how the IR35 rules work in the UK, your ‘contractor’ might in fact be an employee under the relevant state laws, in which case you could be liable for payroll taxes, contributions to the Workers’ Compensation fund and so on.

If you hire someone in the US via a freelance platform like Fiverr or Upwork, then it’s more likely your worker will be seen as a contractor.

But if you hire someone and give them the ability to sign contracts on behalf of your company, or if they have a senior title (for example, Chief Revenue Officer), then no matter what method you used to hire them, there’s a substantial risk that the relevant state authorities would view them as an ‘employee’.

Legal issues are much more prominent in everyday life in the US than in the UK
This means Americans are often more aware than Brits about how to work the legal system to their advantage.
Let’s say you hire a contractor in the US and they work only for you, for 50 hours a week. If, after a while, you fall out with them, the contractor might decide to ask you for a hefty severance package in exchange for not telling the state government that they believe they were operating as an employee and you – as their ’employer’ – avoided paying payroll taxes.

Don’t hire US employees out of your UK company

Before we move on to how to employ people in America, Daniel is keen to emphasise this important piece of advice: don’t hire people in the US as employees of your UK company. If you do this, you create three big problems:

  • A big tax headache
    If your UK company employs someone in the US, under US law this can be viewed as the creation of an unincorporated US branch of your UK company. The UK company’s income could be taxed both by HMRC in the UK and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service, the US equivalent of HMRC) in the US.
  • You make litigation more attractive
    When you set up a US subsidiary and employ people in the US through that subsidiary, you limit the litigation possibilities. Why? Because at this point in your company’s growth, your UK company is likely to have substantial assets while your US subsidiary has practically zero. There’s little for your US employee – or someone negatively affected by your US employee – to gain by suing your US subsidiary, and the UK company is not itself present in the US. But if you’ve employed someone in the US directly through your UK company and they (or a third party damaged by your US employee) sue your UK company, it could be extremely costly.
  • You complicate legal matters
    The laws governing UK employers and US employees don’t necessarily align. If there’s a dispute, it could be time-consuming and expensive to resolve.

Before you employ anyone in the USA, it’s sensible to clarify exactly what you need and then seek advice from a specialist US lawyer.

US state laws exist alongside – and sometimes in conflict with – federal law
Unlike in England, where all counties are governed by English law, in the USA, every state has the authority to create laws and enforce them. Federal laws apply across the whole of the USA, and state laws vary by state. Sometimes federal and state laws don’t align.
Confused about which law applies? Get help from a specialist US lawyer.

Grant share options from your UK parent company

To grant share options to employees in the US, you’ll need to set up an unapproved option scheme (it’s easy on SeedLegals).

Don’t grant options out of your US subsidiary. Your US corporation has no assets (and therefore little value) and it could become very complicated down the line because your US employees would become co-owners of your US subsidiary.

For the options you give your US employees, you’ll need to get a US 409A valuation for your company from an independent specialist. Unlike the HMRC valuation you get for an EMI scheme, the 409A valuation normally isn’t discounted from the fair market value, so the strike price for your US employees will usually be higher than for your UK employees with EMI options.

Read more in our guide, How to give share options to your overseas employees

You can have an unapproved scheme and an EMI scheme
An EMI scheme is for your UK PAYE employees.
An unapproved scheme is for UK contractors and advisors, and employees outside the UK.
We explain the differences in our post, Share options explained

About Wilson Sonsini

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati started working with tech companies in the early 1960s, often taking companies from ‘garage stage’ startup to IPO and beyond. Famously, the firm incorporated Google in 1998, took them public in 2004 and still works with Google now.

Wilson Sonsini’s London office is led by American expat Daniel Glazer, with a team of 35+ US, UK and dual US/UK-qualified tech lawyers. Every year, the team incorporates US subsidiaries for several dozen UK companies and works with hundreds of UK and European companies throughout their US lifecycle.

If you have questions about expanding your company into America and hiring in the US, take a look at Daniel’s comprehensive FAQs on US expansion, fundraising and exit


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Suzanne Worthington

Suzanne Worthington

Sooze is our Senior Writer. She’s obsessed with making complicated things easy to understand.

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