On the face of it, they had it all. Designer gear, a pedigree puppy and holidays in Dubai and on the Amalfi Coast.
But in face Ashley Singh, 39, and Sophie Bruyea, 20, were a pare of thieving scam artists and the scourge of gyms across London and the South East.
They targeted 18 people over a year, maxing out credit cards they stole from changing room lockers.
Bruyea’s Facebook page showed photos of the pair posing next to swimming pools, driving a luxury car and standing in front of an aquarium at Burj Al Arab, dubbed Dubai’s most iconic hotel.
The judge described the impact their wide-ranging spree had on their victims, many of them professionals.
He said that many of them were professionals who no longer felt safe around strangers.
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There were 18 fraud reports in total, with 14 in the London area, one from Sussex, one from Hertfordshire and two reports from Cambridgeshire.
Singh and Bruyea, of Bromley, south London, were convicted of conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation between January 2022 and January 2023.
Singh has been jailed for three years and Bruyea was sentenced to 20 months at a young offenders’ institute, a rehabilitation programme and 120 hours of unpaid work.
Detective Constable Luis Martins Da Silva said: ‘We know Londoners are worried about theft. It’s a horrible crime, and it causes a lot of stress, pain, and financial loss.
‘That’s why we take this crime seriously and a whole team of us were committed to catching Singh and Bruyea.
‘You couldn’t fail to be moved by the devastating impact their callous behaviour had on people, and we hope that by catching them this offers victims a little bit of solace.
‘I would urge anyone who has had something stolen to get in touch, because we do want to drive down this crime and go after those who target the public.
‘We will now look to forfeit the proceeds of their crimes to try and help compensate those who went through this.’
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