
Friday preview: US personal income and spending, consumer confidence data in focus

All eyes at the end of the week would remain fixated on the US where the last two key inflation readings before the next Federal Reserve policy meeting – on the following Tuesday and Wednesday – would be published.

Chief among those would be the price deflator figures for personal consumption expenditures contained in December’s data for personal incomes and spending.

Consensus was for a 0.3% month-on-month rise in the core PCE deflator which would take the annual rate of increase from 4.7% in November to 4.4%.

Core PCE prices were the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge.

The Department of Commerce would publish those figures at 1330 GMT.

Also due out were final readings for the University of Michigan‘s consumer confidence survey for January, including for the closely watched subindices for inflation expectations, at 1500 GMT.

In the euro area, at 0900 GMT the European Central Bank would release money supply growth figures for the euro area in December.

Also scheduled for release was a reading for Spanish gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter.

Consensus was that Spanish GDP edged higher at a quarter-on-quarter pace of 0.1%, although Pantheon Macroeconomics was anticipating a reading nearer 0.5%.

No major economic releases were scheduled in the UK.

Friday 27 January


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International Economic Announcements

M3 Money Supply (EU) (09:00)

Business Climate Indicator (EU) (10:00)

Consumer Confidence (EU) (10:00)

Industrial Confidence (EU) (10:00)

Services Sentiment (EU) (10:00)

Personal Consumption Expenditures (US) (13:30)

Personal Income (US) (13:30)

Personal Spending (US) (13:30)

Pending Homes Sales (US) (15:00)

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