
Fostering the EU’s role as strong and reliable global partner

An EIB Group delegation led by President Calviño will participate in the 2024 Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group taking place this week in Washington DC. Vice-Presidents Ambroise Fayolle and Thomas Östros will join the EIB Group President to meet key partners in international development and finance.


Their discussions will focus on advancing solutions and shared responses to major global challenges as well reform of the international financial system and deeper cooperation between Multilateral Development Banks.

Speaking ahead of the Spring Meetings, EIB President Nadia Calviño said:

I look forward to discussing with our partners at the IMF/ World Bank Spring Meetings how we can work more closely together to reinforce financial stability, respond to shared challenges and contribute to global prosperity. As one of the world’s largest multilateral development banks, the EIB Group is a strong player to help drive the green transition and support global peace and security. We should use the upcoming meetings to make progress in deepening our cooperation and mutual reliance with other key partners in order to intensify the impact of strategic investments throughout the world.

On the margins of the Spring Meetings, as part of the EU’s Global Gateway Initiative, the EIB is expected to announce an enhanced Team Europe partnership with the Agence Française de Développement, new investment agreements with Ukraine, support for female entrepreneurship in Kenya, as well significant new investment in Bhutan for renewable energy.  President Calvino will also join other heads of the world’s Multilateral Development Banks to agree measures that increase the collective impact of their financing around the world.

On 17 April, the EIB President will participate in the 5th Ministerial Roundtable Discussion for Support to Ukraine as well as updating partners on the EIB Group’s contribution to the recently approved EUR 50 billion EU Ukraine Facility. As part of the EU response, the EIB has disbursed EUR 2 billion since Russia’s invasion with the commitment to finance reconstruction and step up public and private sector investment for critical infrastructure in Ukraine as the key priority outside the European Union.

In February, EU Finance Ministers endorsed the new EIB Group strategy,whose top priority remains climate action, supporting the fair green transition as the Climate Bank and mobilising EUR 1 trillion of environmental and climate action investments by the end of this decade, in support for clean energy and international climate goals.

In 2021 the EIB Group became the first public development bank to align all its financing activities with the principles and goals of the Paris Agreement. Last year, the EIB Group invested  €49 billion in green finance  for environmental sustainability, clean energy and climate action.

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