
Europe Daily News, 16 December 2022 | Perspectives & Events


  • Withdrawal of notification of a concentration (Case M.10859 – Trafigura / Ecobat Resources Stolberg)
  • Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case M.10930 – Post / BGL / BCEE / BIL / BDL / i-Hub)
  • Commission clears acquisition of Uniper by BMF (M.10951) – Midday Express 
  • Commission clears acquisition of SEFE by BMWK – (M.10963) – Midday Express 
  • Commission clears creation of joint venture by ISG and EEP (M.10853) – Midday Express 
  • Merger review in digital and technology markets: Insights from national case law – Final Report
  • Ireland – CCPC prohibits Uniphar’s proposed acquisition of NaviCorp


  • Judgment of the Court of 15 December 2022 in Case C‑470/20, AS Veejaam, OÜ Espo Vs. AS Elering
    Re: Reference for a preliminary ruling – State aid – Renewable energy subsidy – Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020 – Incentive effect of aid applied for after work has started on the project concerned – Article 108(3) TFEU – Obligation to notify – Consequences of breach of the obligation to notify
  • Council Regulation on the application of Articles 93, 107 and 108 of the TFEU to certain categories of State aid in the rail, inland waterway and multimodal transport sector
  • Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU – Cases where the Commission raises no objections
  • Commission approves €1.2 billion Czech scheme to promote green district heating (SA.103821) – IP/22/7680
  • Commission approves prolongation of Belgian scheme to support maritime transport (SA.103642) – Midday Express 
  • Commission approves €648 million German scheme to support sustainable agricultural practices in protected areas (SA.102118) – Midday Express 
  • Commission approves €32 million Romanian scheme under the Recovery and Resilience Facility to promote afforestation (SA.103805) – Midday Express 
  • Commission approves changes to the French scheme, including a €2 billion budget increase, to support energy-intensive businesses in the context of Russia’s war on Ukraine (SA.104958) – Midday Express 
  • Commission approves €20 million Czech guarantee scheme to support medium and large companies in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine (SA.105065) – Midday Express 
  • Commission approves amendment to Italian scheme, including €800 million budget increase, to support the agricultural, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine (SA.105191) – Midday Express 
  • Zero-emission vehicles: ESA approves prolongation of Norwegian tax incentives and threshold zero VAT rate
  • ESA adopts new guidelines on State aid for research, development and innovation
  • ESA finds no State aid in 2020 amendments to Norwegian Petroleum Tax Act


  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) /… amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 as regards extending the possibilities for making customs declarations orally or by any other act deemed to be a customs declaration, the invalidation of declarations in specific cases, and specifying the exchange of information for entry summary declarations – Customs formalities and Import Control System 2 (ICS2)
  • Council Decision (EU) 2022/2469 of 12 December 2022 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the EU within the Committee on Customs established under the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Singapore, as regards the amendment of Protocol 1 concerning the definition of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation
  • Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2465 of 12 December 2022 amending Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff
  • Text of the Agreement – EU-Chile Advanced Framework Agreement
  • Outcome of the 2022 Export Control Forum, organised by the European Commission and the Czech Presidency of the Council – 6 December 2022
    – Intangible Technology Transfers (ITT)
    – European Export Control Association for Reaserch Organisations (EECARO)
    – European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA)
    – Conflict Armament Research (CAR)
    – TTC Export Control Working Group
    – Digital Europe
    – Updating EU control list
    Export controls developments
    EU outreach to partners
  • China initiates WTO dispute complaint targeting US semiconductor chip measures
  • WTO – 15th review of the “trade policies and practices” of the United States of America – 14 & 16 December 2022



  • ESA opens infringement proceedings against Liechtenstein for insufficient rules on disclosure of commissions received by investment firms
  • EBA publishes its first thematic review on the transparency and level of fees and charges for retail banking products in the EU, observing that significant detriment still arises for consumers
  • EBA consults on Guidelines on the overall recovery capacity in recovery planning
  • ESMA promotes clarity to market participants on best executions reporting
  • ESMA provides guidance to applicants under the DLT Pilot regime
  • ESMA appoints new member to its management board


  • Commission welcomes the “political agreement” on new EU rules for pay transparency – IP/22/7739
  • ESA requests Iceland to fully implement EFTA Court judgment on legal support for EEA workers
  • Answer given by Mr Schmit to a MEP written question – Revision of the directive on safety and health regarding work with display screen equipment


  • 186 million to promote high quality and sustainable EU agri-food products – IP/22/7769


  • President von der Leyen participates in high-level summit focused on energy security, energy partnerships and green energy development – Midday Express 


  • Opinion of Advocate General Kokott of 15 December 2022 in Joined Cases C‑212/21 P & C‑223/21 P, European Investment Bank (EIB) (C‑212/21 P) and European Commission (C‑223/21 P) Vs. ClientEarth
    Re: Appeal – Environment – Aarhus Convention – Regulation No 1367/2006 – Review of administrative acts under environmental law – European Investment Bank – Granting of credit – Powers of the Courts of the European Union
  • COP15: Commission, Member States and other donors commit to increase global biodiversity finance* – IP/22/7767
  • EU Cohesion Policy: More than €258 million for a just climate transition in Slovenia – IP/22/ 7744
  • Answer given by Mr Sinkevičius to a MEP written question – Compliance with the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on urban waste water treatment


  • Conference on the Future of Europe follow-up: Commission hosts first European Citizens’ Panel on food waste reduction – IP/22/7734
  • ESA launches infringement proceedings against Norway for reimbursing patients only 80% of healthcare costs abroad
  • EFSA – Scientific Opinion – Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of a tincture derived from the fruit of Illicium verum Hook f. (star anise tincture) for use in all animal species (FEFANA asbl)
  • EFSA – Scientific Opinion – Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of a tincture derived from the roots of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels (dong quai tincture) for use in poultry, horses, dogs and cats (FEFANA asbl)
  • EFSA – Scientific Opinion – Safety and efficacy of a feed additive consisting of an extract of condensed tannins from Schinopsis balansae Engl. and Schinopsis lorentzii (Griseb.) Engl. (red quebracho extract) for use in all animal species (FEFANA asbl)
  • EFSA – Technical Report – Annual report of the EFSA Networks on Animal Welfare 2022
  • ECDC – Antiviral resistance monitoring capability and capacity for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza within the EU/EEA
  • ECDC – Integrated respiratory virus surveillance RESPISEVERE and RESPISURV data sets Reporting Protocol Version 1.2


  • 112: new measures to improve effective access to emergency communications – Midday Express 


  • Opinion of Advocate General Campos Sanchez-Bordona of 15 December 2022 in Case C‑579/21, J.M. intervener: Apulaistietosuojavaltuutettu, Pankki S
    Re: Reference for a preliminary ruling – Processing of personal data – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – User log data – Right of access – Definition of personal data – Definition of recipient – Personnel in the department responsible for processing


  • Decision No 1/2022 of the Joint European Union/Switzerland Air Transport Committee set up under the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on air Transport of 24 November 2022 replacing the Annex to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Air Transport
  • Agenda for: 29th meeting of the CEF Coordination Committee – Transport sector – 20 December 2022
  • New shipping fuel standards to reduce sulphur oxides in the Mediterranean by 80% – Midday Express
  • Update of the EU List of Ship Recycling facilities: 2 yards removed and a new one added


  • Advocate General Collins: only an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law may authorise the prosecution of a judge (See CPR No.203/2022 – Opinions of the Advocate General in joined cases C-615/20, C-671/20, YP and Others)
  • Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU, as regards corporate sustainability reporting
  • Joint EU-US statement following the EU-US justice and home affairs ministerial meeting
  • EP to ban all unofficial ‘friendship groups’ – Move is part of reforms unveiled in response to scandal linked to alleged bribery by Qatar – Financial Times


  • Regulation (EU) 2022/2463 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 establishing an instrument for providing support to Ukraine for 2023 (macro-financial assistance +)
  • NextGenerationEU: Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Portugal’s second request for €1.8 billion disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility – IP/22/7710 & QaA
  • NextGenerationEU: Commission disburses first payment of nearly €1.4 billion to Bulgaria and second payment of €700 million to Croatia under the Recovery and Resilience Facility – Midday Express 
  • NextGenerationEU: Commission receives second payment request from Romania for EUR 3.22 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility – Midday Express 
  • Speech by Christine Lagarde, Luis de Guindos: Monetary policy statement & Monetary policy decisions
  • ECB – Eurosystem staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area, December 2022
  • Ecofin report to the European Council on tax issues



  • Answer given by HR/VP Borrell i Fontelles to a MEP written question – Deeply concerning joint Algeria-Russia military exercises


  • EU and Ukraine sign €100 million for the rehabilitation of war-damaged schools – IP/22/7708
  • EU breaks fertiliser deadlock, approves ninth Russia sanctions package –

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