
EU-wide stress testing 2014 | European Banking Authority

Practical information on the publication of the 2014 EU-wide stress test results

What the EBA will publish

The EBA will publish the results of the 2014 EU-wide stress test, which covers a sample of 123 EU banks (Euro and non-Euro zone). The disclosure will cover up to 12,000 data points per bank across the entire EU which includes: banks’ composition of capital, risk weighted assets (RWAs), profit and loss (P&L), exposures to sovereigns, credit risk and securitisation. The EBA will also disclose a fully loaded Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)/ Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) IV Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio for each bank for information purposes.

In order to help understand these data sets, the EBA will make available on its website: an aggregate summary report; an interactive map tool summarising the main results and drivers for the results, by country and by bank; bank-by-bank results (reported in the EBA disclosure templates); a set of interactive Excel-tools that provide users with main aggregate and bank-by-bank results and underlying figures; and a downloadable database and data model, including all bank-level information provided in the EBA disclosure templates.

The results will be published in the EBA disclosure templates, blank versions of which are now available on the EBA website.

What the European Central Bank (ECB) and National Supervisory Authorities will publish

National competent authorities, including the ECB, will publish the results for their own geographical areas of competence in the same format as the EBA, please refer directly to the competent authority of your interest for detailed information on what they will publish and when.

Media information point on the stress test results

Please note that this section is exclusively for the information of media representatives. If you are not a media representative, please read the next section at the bottom of this page.

Press activities on the day

The EBA is not organising a press conference, but a locked-in briefing under embargo. An invitation was sent out to alert media of this, if you have not received it and are interested to attend, please contact us on Please note that available places are limited.

Media enquires

Media enquiries can be addressed to press email or over the phone. As we deal with enquires from 28 EU Member States, priority is given to media enquiries from the European Union, followed by the European Economic Area and then to enquiries from non-EU countries.

Please note that we have already started allocating interview slots.

Please also note that we will not be able to arrange TV interviews.

What questions the EBA can answer

Please note that the EBA is responsible for defining the methodology of the stress test and then for disclosing the results of all EU banks.

As a consequence, media representatives are advised to note that:

  • Enquiries related to scenarios should be checked with the ESRB.
  • The EBA will not comment on the results of single institutions or single countries.
  • Enquiries related to measures to be undertaken following the stress test results, should be checked with national supervisors (and ECB for euro area).

Contact point for non-media enquiries on the stress test results

If you are not a representative of the media, please use exclusively our email address, your enquiry will be dealt compatibly with workload.

We appreciate your help in contacting us only for urgent or important questions that cannot be answered through our website or by the National competent authority in your geographical area.

To this regard, please note that all available information is already disclosed on the EBA website, so we suggest that you take some time to find it. Information or files format that are not available on the EBA website, are not publicly available.

In this multimedia section you will find links to infographics and a video that will help you understand the 2014 EU-wide stress test.


What stress tests do?

The EU-wide stress test measures the resilience of EU banks to adverse economic developments, but does not replace ongoing supervision. Banks’ capital positions are assessed under both the baseline and adverse scenario, which do not capture all possible events but give an insight into potential vulnerabilities.


Piers Haben, Director of the EBA Oversight, explains all you need to know about the 2014 EU-wide stress test.

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