
Danske Bank announces closure of four branches

The branches will close on June 7 and the bank has confirmed that there will be no job losses as a result of the closures.

Aisling Press, Danske Bank’s managing director of personal banking, said: “The world around us is always changing, and alongside that we’ve seen changes to how people choose to do their banking.

“Many of our customers are now using alternative ways to bank with us, like through our digital solutions, banking on the phone or in the Post Office. Over the past two years, we’ve seen a 25% increase in customer logins to our digital channels.

“We have to respond to these changes, and a key part of that is reviewing and adapting how we invest in our customer solutions for the future. Sometimes, that will include investing more in our branches.

After the closure of these branches, Danske Bank will have a network of 24 branches across Northern Ireland.

Ms Press said that over the past eight years the bank has invested around £8m in upgrades to existing branches, including at its Forestside branch in Belfast and the Abbeycentre branch in Newtonabbey.

“Sometimes it also means we need to make difficult decisions to close certain branches that are being used less. This isn’t an easy decision to make, and we consider lots of factors including the customer impact of the closure and alternative services nearby,” said Ms Press.

“Today, I have written to customers of each branch to assure them that we’re still committed to continuing to meet their banking needs, and to share the different ways they can continue to bank with us.”

The bank has said that further information is available in branches and on its website, and added that a customer guide has been published detailing the factors considered as part of the branch closures.

Ms Press added: “Over the coming weeks and after the closures, customers will be able to get additional support in any of our branches, from our local contact centre and, where applicable, from their business manager.

“If any of our customers have concerns, I would encourage them to please speak to us – we’ll continue to support them through this change.”

Danske Bank said it continues to invest in both its digital channels and its day-to-day banking services.

It added that through its relationship with the Post Office, personal and business customers with a debit card can check their account balances, withdraw cash and make cash lodgements at any UK Post Office.

Customers are also able to lodge cheques using a pre-printed envelope and credit slip at any Post Office in Northern Ireland.

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