
Commercial Property Forum | Bank of England

Job Advert: New Chair for the Commercial Property Forum

We are recruiting a new Chair for the Bank of England Commercial Property Forum (CPF). The appointment will start in Q4 2023 for an initial term of three years. The Chair is an unpaid position appointed by our Executive Director for Financial Stability Strategy and Risk (FSSR).

Background & Purpose of the Commercial Property Forum

The Commercial Property Forum was established in 1993. It monitors developments and underlying structural issues in the commercial property sector, identifying risks that could evolve into broader financial stability risks and obstacles to economic growth in the UK. Discussions in the Forum inform the Financial Policy Committee, which leads the Bank’s efforts to identify and monitor risks that threaten the resilience of the UK financial system. The CPF works alongside the Residential Property Forum (RPF), which monitors the residential property sector on behalf of the Bank.

The CPF is a gathering of professionals engaged in all aspects of the CRE sector, with participants drawn from both the private and public sectors. Attendees vary across meetings and include investors, developers, lenders, valuers, agents, advisers, analysts and academics, as well as other experts and commentators. Representatives from the Bank of England, the Prudential Regulation Authority, and where relevant, the Financial Conduct Authority and various Government departments are invited to attend meetings and take part in discussions.

Meetings are typically held quarterly, with meeting formats and duration shaped to suit the agenda.  The Chair organises meetings, including proposing speakers and attendees, which are hosted by the Bank’s Executive Director for Financial Stability Strategy and Risk. The Chair is also responsible for managing attendance of the Forum, liaising with attendees and managing any required follow-up.

The Role of the Chair of the Commercial Property Forum

The Chair will lead the debate on important issues affecting the commercial property market, and be an information resource to the Bank as needed. They will have the opportunity to build strong relationships with key stakeholders across the industry, whilst supporting the efforts of the Bank to maintain financial stability.

The successful candidate will have a broad base of knowledge, contacts and experience in the commercial property sector and capital markets. They will have an interest in policymaking and regulation, and a desire to work with the Bank. 

The Bank is committed to being a diverse and inclusive place to work, and it is essential that the Chair shares this vision. We want attendance of the Forum to reflect a diverse range of views and backgrounds, and for its discussions to be chaired in an engaging and inclusive manner.  

Selection Process 

If you would like to find out more, or are interested in putting yourself forward for the role, please email:

We will ask you to send us your CV and a covering letter (no more than 300 words) that sets out why you have applied for the position by Sunday 6 August.

The interview selection process will be run by the Executive Director for FSSR and is scheduled to take place between 25 August and 5 September.

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