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© Revolut Technologies Inc. 2024
Revolut Technologies Inc. 107 Greenwich Street, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006
The Revolut USA Prepaid Visa® and Prepaid Mastercard® are issued by Metropolitan Commercial Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. for Visa cards, and Mastercard International for Mastercard cards, and may be used everywhere Visa or Mastercard are accepted. Banking services are provided by Metropolitan Commercial Bank, Member FDIC, and are subject to the terms of a Cardholder Agreement. “Metropolitan Commercial Bank” and “Metropolitan” are registered trademarks of Metropolitan Commercial Bank © 2014.
Revolut Technologies Inc. is a technology services provider and administrator of the card program.
A note from Metropolitan Commercial Bank: Funds in your Revolut Prepaid Card Account are held at an FDIC insured institution. Your funds will be held at or transferred to Metropolitan Commercial Bank, an FDIC-insured institution. While there, your funds are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC in the event Metropolitan Commercial Bank fails if specific deposit insurance requirements are met and your card is registered. See FDIC-Prepaid Cards and Deposit Insurance Coverage for details. FDIC insurance does not protect your funds in the event of Revolut’s failure or from the risk of theft or fraud.
Savings Vault services provided by Sutton Bank, Member FDIC, and funds there are insured up to $250,000 in the event Sutton Bank fails.
Securities products and services provided by Revolut Securities Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Securities products are not insured by the FDIC or any federal government agency, are not bank deposits, are not obligations of or guaranteed by any bank and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.
Automated investing is provided by Revolut Wealth Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. Information about operations, services, and fees is set forth in Revolut Wealth’s current Form ADV Part 2 (Brochure), a copy of which is available upon request and at IAPD – Investment Adviser Public Disclosure – Homepage.
The Revolut Visa Credit Card is issued by Cross River Bank, Member FDIC. Revolut Personal Loans are made by Cross River Bank, Member FDIC.
Travel insurance on Revolut’s paid plans is provided by Chubb Group.
For any questions, contact Revolut using the Revolut mobile application or by calling the number on the back of your card: (844) 744-3512, or write to the Program Manager at 107 Greenwich Street, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006.