
‘Cash is hugely important to UK economy’

The end of physical money is in sight. In use for at least 5,000 years, cash may soon be just a redundant children’s toy.

Change is at sprint speed. In 2011, 55 per cent of UK payments were made in cash. By 2032, only 7 per cent will be in cash.

Just three years ago, the Bank of England estimated that 95.7 per cent of the UK population were within two kilometres of a cash access point; with 99.7 per cent within five kilometres of a cash access point.

Worryingly, in the past five years, as cash payments have declined, nearly 15,000 cash machines have been taken away and more than 2,000 bank branches have closed. The writing is, if not the wall, at least on the computer tablet. 

Now nearly a third of adults are registered for at least one mobile payment service, while 86 per cent of adults used a form of remote banking.

But have we gone too far? Is it time for a pause?  

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