
At Texas’ floating border wall, children slashed by razor wire

EAGLE PASS, Texas – By the time Omar Tortua and his family waded into the warm river water at Piedras Negras, they had already survived a treacherous journey through the jungle of the Darién Gap, across six countries and past cartel kidnappers.

But it was only at the end that Tortua saw the danger claw into his own child, when a coil of concertina wire – placed at the American shoreline by Texas officials – ensnared the leg of his 5-year-old son. 

He scooped up the bleeding child, with officers watching from the bank above. 

All along this riverbank, scraps of clothing bear witness to the many migrants who have been snared by razor wire in recent weeks. And as federal and state officials clash over Texas’ latest border security initiative, the migrants who reach the United States display its toll, in bruises and broken ankles and glinting rows of surgical staples that hold closed their slice wounds. An internal e-mail from a Texas state trooper, revealed this week, raised the alarm that the state’s efforts had become “inhumane.” On Friday, USA TODAY observed how that razor wire has slashed not just adults but young children.

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