
Investing in Skills in Europe’s regions and cities

​​​​​​​The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is organising together with the European Commission, DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), in the framework of the European Year of Skills, an event titled “Investing in Skills in Europe’s Regions and Cities”. 

In an era marked by rapid technological progress and evolving economic paradigms, the imperative for adaptive skill development strategies has emerged as a cornerstone for sustainable growth and social cohesion. The event is designed to pave the way forward, engaging participants in a collaborative journey to discover and implement strategies for enhancing skills that are aligned with future needs.

Our first session will delve into the critical role of upskilling and reskilling in driving local and regional development, leveraging insights from the six CoR commissions. This discussion is set to explore the shared experiences and approaches of the six commissions throughout the European Year of Skills, providing a comprehensive overview of skill development initiatives at the local and regional level. It will highlight how these efforts serve as a strategic answer to the dynamics of the labour market and the wider socio-economic challenges.

The exploration deepens with a focus on Regional Skills Intelligence, a session dedicated to examining the function of skills intelligence tools within local and regional contexts. Through a lens of practical application and strategic foresight, this dialogue will navigate the terrain of translating skills intelligence into actionable strategies, enriching the quality of employment services, informing career and training choices, and guiding comprehensive skills strategies.

Our final session casts a spotlight on Private-Public Partnerships for Upskilling and Reskilling at the local and regional level, examining the symbiosis between public initiatives and private sector dynamism. This segment is set to explore funding strategies, support mechanisms, and the integral role of SMEs in crafting an agile response to the demands of technological advancement.

Amidst these sessions, interactive Q&A discussions will invite you to share insights and engage with experts and ​peers.

An essential highlight of the agenda includes an inspirational keynote presentation titled “Embracing Change: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Skill Sets“. This segment, led by a distinguished speaker, will focus on the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence on the skill sets required by the future by the future workforce.

Interpretation will be provided (tbc) in FR, DE, EL, IT, EN, ES.

​You are kindly asked to register by Monday, 22 April 2024.​ 

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