Labour’s Sadiq Khan has vowed to root out ‘the underlying factors that lead to crime’ such as poverty and inequality in a bid to keep youngsters off the streets
The London Mayor has pledged a major new funding boost to London’s youth clubs in a bid to help tackle the causes of crime.
Labour‘s Sadiq Khan has vowed to root out “the underlying factors that lead to crime”, including poverty and inequality. In a bid to keep youngsters off the streets, he has committed tens of millions of pounds to youth clubs and support for young people. The Labour Mayor said the funding announcement is set to unlock 250,000 more opportunities for young Londoners.
Evidence shows that youth clubs and after-school activities help to divert vulnerable young people away from gangs and crime and towards training and employment. But 14 years of Tory cuts have led to youth clubs closing and fewer youth workers.
In his second major pledge since launching his mayoral election campaign, Mr Khan will set out details of an investment plan on Thursday. It will include supporting young people who are not in education, employment or training to gain the skills, experience and connections, including mentoring schemes for those most in need. He will also pledge to use sport to inspire some of London’s most underserved young people to help keep them away from crime and improve their physical and mental health
The fresh funding pledge comes ahead of the London mayoral elections on May 2, where Mr Khan will run again as Labour’s candidate. It is on top of a more than £100million invested in London’s youth sector since Mr Khan became Mayor in 2016.
But Mr Khan said massive Government cuts to youth clubs in London have had a “terrible impact”, as he warned the solution was not “to arrest our way out of the problem”. “Policing will always be a key part of the solution to bear down on crime, which is why I have invested more in policing than any previous Mayor,” he said. “But, in the long-term, we know we’re never going to be able to arrest our way out of the problem. The causes of violent crime are extremely complex and involve poverty, inequality and a lack of opportunities for young people.”
He continued: “Massive government cuts to youth clubs have had a terrible impact in London and across the country. The Tories continue to fail to acknowledge the underlying factors that lead to crime in the first place and ignore a key part of the solution – crime prevention and supporting young people.
“Since I’ve been Mayor, we’ve invested over £100million in youth services, which has helped to fund mentors and youth workers. But we clearly have much more to do. So I pledge to invest in more youth clubs across London and to support a further 250,000 young people to access positive opportunities, if Londoners put their trust in me and vote Labour on May 2nd.
“Reducing crime will always be the top priority for me as Mayor and I promise to give youth club work and crime prevention the attention it deserves to ensure we can build a safer London for everyone.”