
Sagittarius Season: Here are your career horoscope predictions as per sun signs | Astrology

Welcome to Sagittarius season! It’s a time for big dreams and boosting how much money we make. It’s great for trying new things and feeling successful! How will this season affect your money? Well, it’s good for people who take risks and go after what they want. New chances might pop up! During Sagittarius season, some events will help us find money opportunities and grow. It lasts from November 22 to December 21, 2023. It’s a few weeks to find good surprises and let go of old ideas about how much we deserve. On November 24, 2023, Mars moves into energetic Sagittarius, pushing us to start conversations that could help us reach our financial goals. When we’re open to learning about ourselves and the world, people tend to respond better to us! Then, on November 27, 2023, a full moon in Gemini arrives. It helps us let go of doubts about money and our abilities. Can you put aside embarrassment and fear to welcome the surprises life has in store during this full moon?”

During Sagittarius season, some events will help us find money opportunities and grow. It lasts from November 22 to December 21, 2023.

In Sagittarius season’s end, Mercury retrograde begins on December 13, 2023, in Capricorn, moving into Sagittarius on December 23, 2023, and lasting till New Year’s Day. It’s a good time for reflecting, rethinking, and adjusting money habits and career plans. Also, it’s a time to rest and trust that you’ll be okay even without working non-stop! It’s okay to take breaks while working towards your goals.

Aries (March 20-April 19):

During the new moon in Sagittarius on December 12th, you might feel a strong pull to shift gears towards a path that feels more in line with your true purpose. Your heart is open and ready to align with your higher self. Instead of just working for an end result, try using this time to boost your creativity. Spending more time on hobbies could spark new solutions for your financial challenges. Even if your hobbies seem separate from your job, nurturing your creative side can help you navigate future obstacles. Keep creating outside of work hours!

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

In Sagittarius season, you’ll notice more job opportunities coming your way. Venus, your ruling planet for love and money, entering Scorpio will urge you to get serious about your career path. If your current work is draining you, consider saying “no” to tempting offers that don’t align with your desired path. Even lower-paying offers in the field you’re passionate about will feel like a victory. Say “yes” to opportunities that truly ignite your passion.

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Your finances might need some attention as your bank balance speaks volumes. If credit card bills are stacking up or your income isn’t meeting expectations, it’s a good time to restore balance. With the sun in Sagittarius in your seventh house focused on commitments, you might find opportunities to sign on with a new company or client, improving your financial situation for the long term.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

During Sagittarius season, a shift is coming in your career path. As Venus enters Scorpio, highlighting your creativity and joy zone, you’ll reconnect with the reason behind your career. Doing something that truly excites you won’t feel like work. Embrace roles or opportunities that genuinely bring you joy. Say “yes” to work that makes you genuinely happy, Cancer. You deserve it!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

This season, you’ll start recognizing how money is linked to your life’s karma. The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12th will help you see the emotional side of your financial choices. If you’re considering merging finances with a partner, take time to think about the practical side before finalizing anything. It’s okay to heal your heart and your finances at the same time.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

During Sagittarius season, you’ll be encouraged to expand your beliefs and let go of old stories about playing small. Opportunities to improve your finances will come your way. By saying “yes” to the right chances and releasing fear, you’ll break free from past limitations. No more sleepless nights worrying about money or becoming who you want to be. Trust your intuition, and you’ll walk the path towards greatness without doubts.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22):

When Mercury moves into Capricorn and focuses on your home and family, you might find solutions to your money issues within your inner circle. This could involve partnering with a family member or friend, contributing to a family business, or gaining financially through inheritance. Your close relationships will directly impact your career and finances this season. With Sagittarius encouraging growth, it’s a great time to join forces with someone you love for a common goal!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Your finances will skyrocket as Venus enters your sign, emphasizing your self-image and appearance. If you work in fields like marketing, social media, or acting, expect excellent outcomes. However, if you’ve been holding back, this season might pass without making the most of it. It’s your time to step forward, showcase your power, and let others see how deserving you are of success!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

These coming weeks will help you move past a phase of financial challenges and doubts about your career path. Instead of giving up, it’s a great time to start exploring your dream job alongside your regular work. You’re more than capable of making this change, and soon, you’ll see that you can fully commit to your dream job. Don’t let go of your passions just yet!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

As Mercury enters your sign on December 1st, it’ll guide you towards the right opportunities and people, streamlining your career and financial focus. You might have spent money to find happiness during a stagnant phase, but that’s changing now. You’re taking charge of your finances and finding happiness in your work again. When Mercury goes retrograde on December 13th, don’t hesitate to take a break amidst your success. You deserve to pause and relax in the midst of your efforts.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Embrace trust in the ups and downs of your finances. Understand that money isn’t the ultimate goal. While meeting your basic needs is important, focusing on what’s already positive in your life can attract more career opportunities. Your optimistic attitude will draw people in, making it seem like great opportunities are appearing out of nowhere. In truth, it’s your positive outlook that’s magnetizing these opportunities to you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

During Sagittarius season, the new moon on December 12th will greatly shift your career and reputation positively. This season is all about expansion and optimism, something you’ll easily connect with. Your previous efforts are paying off now. Something you did earlier, whether it was writing, creating, posting, or designing, will bring the right person or opportunity to you, bringing you success and recognition. Remember, you deserve this! Don’t let this opportunity slip away!

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