
Letter: EU single mar­ket — it’s the ‘bait on the polit­ical hook’

Paul Ray­ment (Let­ters, Septem­ber 27) is the latest in a long line of let­ters cor­res­pond­ents arguing the case for EU mem­ber­ship as though that body was purely a free trade area. If only it was then there would be few objec­tions to mem­ber­ship but the real­ity is that the free mar­ket is the bait on the polit­ical hook.

Whether or not Adam Smith would have agreed to the UK being under the polit­ical con­trol of a Brus­sels-based body in pur­suit of a degree of free trade, as Ray­ment seeks to imply, is quite another mat­ter.

He writes of the UK becom­ing a “back­wa­ter” but this is pre­cisely what it had become in polit­ical terms within the EU, whatever its the­or­et­ical pos­i­tion of influ­ence. He writes that

“. . . in reject­ing out of hand any sort of return to the single mar­ket or the cus­toms union [Starmer] fails, like the Brex­iters, to acknow­ledge (or real­ise) how deeply the UK was, and for the moment still is, integ­rated with the eco­nom­ies of the EU.” This is not cor­rect. This point is fully under­stood by Brex­iters as it rep­res­ents the very means by which the EU con­trolled the UK.

It was the main reason why most of us voted to leave and why we must never rejoin. We need to lose our Eur­omy­opia and see bey­ond this bur­eau­cratic and intro­spect­ive body.

John Mur­ray
Guild­ford, Sur­rey, UK

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