
Show Us The Money – National’s Giant Transport Funding Pothole Continues To Grow

National’s transport plan pothole blew out another $1.4
billion dollars this morning after Simeon Brown overruled
Nicola Willis says Labour Transport Spokesperson David

“Brown saying there would be no new petrol
tax or road user charges for the next three years means that
they are at least $1.4 billion short for the first three
years,” David Parker said.

“This will also have a
knock on effect for Waka Kotahi’s ability to fund part of
the programme through borrowings.

“Nicola Willis
knows that National has a giant funding pothole in its
transport plan. That’s why last week she said fuel taxes
would go up in the third quarter of next year – at the same
time as Labour’s first two cent increase from 1 July 2024.
It seems that Luxon and Simeon Brown have over-ruled

“Christopher Luxon can’t hide behind fancy
technical terms like ‘equity finance, value capture and
cost recovery’ – whether funding comes from the government
or the private sector it still has to be paid

“This shortfall in the first three years is
only part of National’s overall $9.5 billion plus
shortfall over ten years.

“This is why even Act
called National’s plan wishful thinking.

now need to say how they will fund their transport plan over
the next three years,” David Parker

© Scoop Media


There’s been a massive increase in Defence spending by the Labour government. The big ticket items include roughly $3B to buy, equip, & operate four new Poseidon anti-submarine planes, $1.5B on five Hercules cargo planes, $1B to replace Sea Sprite helicopters, & this year’s $419M pay increases to recruit & retain Defence personnel. Unlike nurses & teachers, however, Defence personnel didn’t have to fight for their pay increases, which were handed to them in this year’s Budget. More

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